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Poems by Diane Blue

The following index of poems includes all of those submitted by the author and subsequently published on the main site. The date the poem was submitted (not necessary published) is also included with each entry. If the author has published poems under more than one category, their poems are grouped by category.

About Diane Blue

I was previously known on Passions simply as "Di". I noticed that someone else chose to use that name, therefore, I decided to use my real name. Many of you have emailed me with very kind words about my poems. You have given me the courage to come out of hiding, so to speak. I love to hear from you so keep the emails coming! Thanks, Diane

Love Poems

  • 1999-02-22
    Love often has to surmount many barriers and, in today's society, one of them is sometimes physical distance.
  • 1999-02-22
    Comparing Love to a flower is not unusual, but this poem represents a somewhat new look at an old poetic device. For flowers, like Love, can die from neglect…
  • 1999-02-09
    The author suggested putting this in the Sad category, and she was probably right. But it was such a beautiful, well-crafted interpretation of Love, I had to include it here instead.

Love Poems - Love and Friendship Poems

  • 1999-03-17
    This poem is filled with sincerity and beauty, and a touch of pain, as it explores what happens when fear comes between friends that could be more.

Sad Poems - Sad Love Poems

  • 1999-05-19
    People don't always feel the same way about us, as we feel about them.
  • 1999-02-18
    Few things are sadder - or more frustrating - than an on-again off-again relationship.

Friendship Poems

  • 1999-02-09
    A good friend brings light into our lives, guiding us along treacherous routes. And this talented poet found a wonderful metaphor to express that.

Poems on Life

  • 1999-02-18
    This wonderfully simple poem explores the very real dangers of not recognizing that children have feelings and needs, too.

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