Send some poetry to a friend - the love thought that counts!
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Hi, this is Aphrodite, the web server for I'm afraid I couldn't find the page you requested. There are a couple of things that might cause this, depending on where you were when you requested the page (and you can read more about those reasons below, if you'd like).

We very, very rarely remove a page, but they do get shifted at times. If you would like to skip the explanation, here are a few links to help you find what you want:

Our Excuses (and Suggestions)

The page you requested cannot be found on the server. There are a couple of things that might cause this, depending on where you were when you requested the page. Our goal is to help you find the page you came here to find.

  • If you were on another Passions page and found your way here, you may have a caching problem (especially true if you're an AOL member). This simply means your browser has an old copy of a page in memory and the links have since changed. To correct the problem, press your back button to return to the page you just left, then press the Reload button to force your browser to load a new copy of the page. If the problem persists, please write and tell us where the problem was found. (We *hate* making mistakes, but we have no problem fixing them.)
  • If you arrived here from a Search Engine, we apologize for the inconvenience. Our links change frequently as we add new poetry to the web site, and the poor search engines just can't keep up with us.
  • The poem you were looking for is almost certainly still on the web site, though, so we suggest going to the appropriate Poetry Category to find it. You can also use our own Search Utility (in the menu above), which will work if you remember the Title, Author, or something else about the poem. You can also check our extensive list of Resident Poets . If you still can't find it, by all means write and we'll find it for you.
  • If you came here from a Link on another web site, you have the same situation as those coming from a search engine. Again, the poem you were seeking is probably still here. Look in the appropriate category and ye shall find.
  • If you came here looking for a greeting card someone sent you, I'm afraid it's probably gone. Our dynamic greeting cards expire after fourteen days (give or take) and the system automatically deletes them to make room for new ones. But, hey, you can always send another!

If none of these situations apply to you, or you just can't find what you need, please feel free to write us a letter and we'll do all we can to help. Thanks for visiting Passions, and we hope you'll enjoy your stay with us!

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Copyright 1998-2021 by Ron Carnell and Passions in Poetry.
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