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About the Poem

I wrote this poem because it is exactly how I feel about growing up. You have to grow up fast these days. It's like you go from a child to a teen in less then a year. The reason I wrote it is because I wish to warn others that the hardest part is being accepted by your peers. Don't let people make you afraid to be who you want to be.

Teen Years

Everyone tells you,
they're the best years of your life.
The thing they don't tell you,
is they are all full of strife.

From a child to a teen,
in less then a year.
It's a lot to deal with,
you have to grow up fast.

As a child you're free,
as a teen you feel locked up.
A child has no worries,
A teen has a lot.

You learn the meaning of love,
you discover broken hearts.
The worries of being accepted,
are the hardest part of all.

What's the "best"
about these years.
When as a teen,
you live in fear.
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© 1999 Tammy Walton Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

49 Visitor Comments

i like your poem for a simple fact it reminds me of how my friends treat me they say their my friends one minute then the next their talking about me behinde my back i think if they have anything to say they should at least tell the person to their face.
dat poem is soo true!i reallie likd it alot! . . .
i totally agree! i'm basically asking the same questions now because as of right now i can't see these "BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE" so thank you for writing this oem it let's me know that i'm not alone.
this poem is fantastic, and absoloutley true! how can they be the best years of our life? there just full of misery, confusion, backstabbing and heartache! like you say: whats 'the best' about that?
wow thats so true. i hate it when everyone tells you to stop complaining that teen years are the best.
wow this poem is exactly rite for me i mean i fit in and everyone likes me but sometimes i feel like i dont i just feel like i wish i was a child so i woukdnt have to deal with things such as having freinds who talk about u and boys this poem is one of the best poems that describes a teen that i've evr read before.
This is a great poem.
that is a really nice poem. i can relate to it alot. thanx for submitting this poem, so that people can actually understand bout us teenagers
that is every true
hey this poem is nice really nice but y ppl tell u teen life is nice n the best coz u learn the most for ur further life u learn so much u just dont realize u learn everythig wat u need to wat abt the time when u fall in love tat love is going to b diff from the love u luv some 1 ur 30 or even 23 that is when the difference comes tats y teen life is the best guess wat im also a teen jus 16
I really love this poem it talks abount the everyday teen life
i feel so much like this poem thank you for having a poem like this that i could read i may be a poet like you some day. you should more poems like this one. thank you again for having this poem posted for me to see. thank you, shelby
its a very nice poem and i absolutely agree with it!
I do love this poem a lots!
OH MY GOSH! I totally understand this poem! I can so relate! thanks for creating this poem and telling people that a teen life isnt that wonderful as it would seem! AWESOME JOB TAMMY!
i love this poem it is so cute and absolutely the truth i really son't believe these are the best years of our life just the hardest one to live with
my little sister went through that a couple of weeks ago. her first heart broken and havin a hard time gettin accepted. i love this poem
wow this poem touched mee ya i don understand wuts so great bout teen yrs ether i jus became a teen n ive already had to much to deal with.
i love this poem! it's perfect for my journal! my teacher is makin us find poems and write bout it! she's so obessed with it! i guess it helps to express ur feelings. it sure did expressed mine! thnx a whole lot!
This is an awesome poem. most people can relate to it. but thank god that i had an older suster to warn me about how hard teenage yeas are.
Wow! that poem is so true about a teen life, although i wish that everyine could see that.
I thought this poem was really great. It told exactly what i think about how life is, and it was the perfect addition to this speech I have to write!
I agree and understand the poem. I think most teens can relate.
i think this poem is the best that i have read so far because you expressed your mind and how u feel today keep up the good work
I really can relate to this poem to the fullest cuz, that's how it really is growing from a child to a teen an adult.
I loved ur peom can understand
This poem is very good. i was looking for a poem for my skool play I am organising and this is the best one i have read so far. u ave real talent
This is what i feel.
its so ture. thats how i feel sometimes so keep up the cool poems!
Ur poem was awesome! It brought tears to my eyes. I can really relate to it. Lately i've been feeling like life as a teenager isn't all its cracked up to be and ur poem expressed just how I was felling! Thanx for sharing it!
I loved you poem. You expressed your self incredably. I have been going through the same situation for the past year. I completely agree. Everyone is always saying that these are the best years of your life, but what is so good about them when you have all these troubles.
Very true poem. It is exactly what I feel, Well done.
that was a very nice poems. i can really relate to every thing that you said. keep writing
i like this poem b/c it has to do with adolescence and that what i needed for my english clasS! THANKS!
this is realy true this is my fave. poem from all what i heared of being a teen & the teen life.
I liked your poem it was quite cool. hope to read another one of yours soon.
i can totally relate to this poem! I think someone should show it to my dad. We are all asked to grow up and be responsible but we are expected to want to do things a 10 year old does. We are expected to carry the weight of our teen lives yet speak and act innocently. We are given the priviledges of a 2 year old and expected to act like a 21 year old. I think this poem out lines that!
This poem is great because i needed a poem for english that said what i am feeling and this hits the spot perfect
Tammy. I think you poem is the best poem I've read for a long time. It is absolutely true about teenage years. Parents and "Adults" don't seem to remember what it feels like to be a teen. If they could remember at least a little part of it they might be a little nicer to us and not be so abusive when we do mess up. I want to thank you for taking all my feelings and putting them in a tight little ball and shooting them out at the world for every one to see
i really thought that this poem was good
i really appriciate your poem because its exactly howi feel as well. I am in an endless struggle trying to identify the wonders of this time. i want them to be great, but i cant because there is too much to think about. I just thought i'd respond-it really is good!!!
Your poem is great and SO true!
This poem tells the absolute truth and is very outspoken.
Very well written but you need to explain yourself more. You made good points but where is the examples? we all go through it but give advice not excusses
True life story of being a teen
that poem is great. It is actually true.
this was a really good poem and its true about teens.well anyways thats all.
That poem nearly brought tears to my eyes it was so true, keep up the good work

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