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About the Poem

This poem is about the love of my life. We're far away from each other and the distance keeps us apart. As painful as it is to not be able to be with him, I still love him with all I have and all I am. And I always will.

Long Distance Love

When it hurts so bad,
why does it feel so good?
I wish this all made sense,
I wish I understood.
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
but I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try.

You know how I feel about you,
and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
but it's so hard to do when I can't even be next to you.
Why does it gotta be so complicated?

Loving you feels so right,
but at the same time,
knowing I can't have you keeps me awake at night.
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
to look into your eyes,
be held in your arms...then I'd truly be happy.

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
but I'm still hoping one day soon,
I'll get what I'm wishing for.
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© 1999 Panda Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

257 Visitor Comments

that poem touched my heart. it explain exactly how I feel. wonderful poem :)
hi,,, i really touched this poem you know why it feel the same at my feelings.
aww this was a very excellent poem! this is how I feel i am deeply in love with my boyfriend who lives 8 hours away. but i keep wishing that he will move back since his dad travels out here to work and there house is up for sale where they live now. the only problem is it has been up for sale for a very long time now and they can't sell it. so i keep wishing everyday. He is my first love and it figures that i would fall in love and he would move! :((( I wish the best for u and me and also everyone who read this poem because no one deserves to be seperated from the one u love! so good luck to everyone!
I love this poem because its saying everything I wanted to say. My boyfriend and I have been in a long distance going on two years next month on the 26. On the 9th of this month we decide to just be frinds because we don't get to spend time with each other.
~I love this poem to death it toched my heart in soo many ways. My Babydaddy just got sent to prision so far away but im waitin no matter what the only diffrence in this relationship is were ''DiStAnT LoVeRs'' cause were soo many milrs away thats why i adore this awesome poem it means alot!
this poem is great for me becouse this describes me perfictly for a girl that i have feelings for in Alaska and i live in Washington so thank you this is the best poem ever
i absoutly(sp?) loved this poem, it reminded me of someone that i did ( do) love still.
this is exactly how i feel
im in the same situation. im in atlanta,ga, united states and the love of my life is in wales, UK. he loves me and i love him but we're so far from each other that it kills me inside. he's always telling me that we're going to be together one day. but i have to wait til im 18 so i can go to him. and we've already talked it over and he wants me to come to see him and he'll never apart from me. i love him with all my heart and nothing will ever change that. I LOVE YOU GARETH!
I liked it a lot cuz thats how i feel when i am away from ym lovedd one.
im really lovimg it because right now im in a long distance relationship and everything meantioned in this poem its how exactly feel so im really liking this keep making the poems and ill keep voting
i love this poem. it reminds me of my lost love. he held me in his arm all the time n would never let me go anywhere unsafe?!
i love this poem it reminded me about special friend that was in my life except for the whole be with u the rest of my life part its like this poem was a chapter of my life! lol i loved it!
this poems was perfect for my situation. my fiance and i are in totally different states and its really hard cuz everytime i want to go and see him i have to pay like $300 for a plane ticket or spend that much in gas. and sumtimes even if i can go see him, hes hardly home cuz he has to travel to camps for football scholarships and stuff.
I love your poem. Your poem remind me about my ex who lived in another country. Keep up the good work!
This poem touched me deeply as i understand the pain that the girl is going through. Me and my partner live about 70 miles apart and we barely see eachother, but yet we are both still madly in love with eachother. Jodie
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww sUch a cUte pOem. i sweaaaaaa geeze. i realiii realiii like this GUY frOm SYDNEY keep up the good wOrk. lOl. Z
i love it because i can relate to it. because i have a boyfriend whom i love so much!but it was just a total disgrace because he is in jail and i just cant be with him nor see him either. we just have to send letters n pictures of each other. so sad reallly.
omg! thank you soo much! i have been looking everywhere for a poem just like this! it has everything i wanted in the poem. and it says exactly what i need! thank you sooo much! x0x
this poem is so kool. It touches my heart. i just love it. when i read it, it makes me feels happy.
I love this peom. i havent seen my husband for 2yrs/three months. I got married Nov 22,04. I cant wait in tell i finish college to go leave with him in LONDON.
This explains how I feel about my boyfirnd back home
this poem is amazing i can so relate to it. My first LOVE and only Love James is far away from me right now. and u explained EXACTLY how i felt! i love this poem! great JOB! keep it up! xoxo Krystal
this poem really touched my heart because this is how i feel. my love is far away to.
that is so good it is good 4 me and boyfriend
im feeling that way because my hubby is far from me
hey i like this peom how did u come up with it
hey. my god I read this poem and I just feel the same. and as I now read all the comments in here I was so happy cause till know I somehow thought I was the only one missing my boy so terribly I can't tell. but there are so many other people who feel exactly the same. we should just form a "help-yourself" group or somethin like that.
i like this poem because everything in it is true. i in a long distance love too. So i feel wat they are saying.
this is a very good poem. i love it!
wow this poem discribes my kind of love that i'm going through. i really and throughly LOVE this poem. wow damn this poem is of the hook. !
I really enjoyed your poem. It is exactly how I feel about my fiance. Thank you.
this poem is great I'm a young teen with a boyfriend away and this poem fits perfect
OMG this poem made me want to cry because my boyfriend Matt lives in Florida and i live in Indiana. And we can't see each other. So this poem totally touched me
WOW, I LOVE YOUR POEM, because its sooooo true, im gonig throgh the same thing and it sucks.
poems say the truth bout how you feel.
i know exactly how ur feeling my love is 3 states away. and i hope it works out with everyone in this situation
This is a great poem it's perfect for the realtionship that I have. I live in San Diego and he lives in San Jose. Im 15 he's 17, he comes down whenever he gets the chance but its really hard because of our age. We're deeply in love, and we can't spend a day without talking. Were not official although we have been talking for 7 months.
This poem really touched me. Simply because I have a long distance marriage, but my husband is in Iraq. I love him very much, but we don't get along as good as we should.
I liked this poem a lot, you see my boyfriend whom I love to death, lives in California, while I live in Michigan. It's probably the hardest thing to deal with and I haven't had the brady bunch life. Congrats on great work!
heey. This poem really touched me as Im going through it now. And I truly understand how you feel and wish u good luck) And I hope this will end for you both and that ull be together forever (K)
this poem almost made me cry it was very sad:( :(
i adored this poem. i am in cairo and my bf lives in athens. we c eachother twice a year but i love him more than my life and i wish well b together one day soon for ever
I love this poem it really captured my heart i been in a long distance relationship for about 2 years i love my boyfriend but sometimes i fell sad about the distance we share this poem really inspires me that i am not alone thanks for makin this a great poem u really touched me with this i really do love this poems! :) great writter this deserves the best poem award
I can relate to this poem alot. My boyfriend works three hours away and he's only home on the weekends so it makes it hard.
I loved this poem because it sums up how i am feeling wilth my bf. We have been going out for 6 months and he lives an hour away which i know boes not seem that trouble but only seeing him on the weekends kills me. He is everything to me and i love him with all my heart and i wishing and waiting for the day that we will be closer. My love for him will never change because he my soul mate and the one i want to spend my life with. Even though my parents say that i am too young to know that i am not because i am going to turn 18 soon. Keep writing you are a very talented and you have gift for writing poems that touches people's souls.
I love this poem because me and my boyfriend are currently going through a long distance relationship and when i read this it just touched me so much because that's exactly how I feel, and if you felt like that or still feel like that when you wrote this,I kno what you were going through or was going through and I dont think anybody deserves to go through that pain.
I love this poem it's so sweet and its the right thing to say in a long distance relationship. Its excactly what Im going through rihgt now.
this poem touched my heart b/c im going thur the same thing like im in love with a guy and he feel's the same way abou't me, but hes asked me out but i said 'no' with the distance that would just hurt me more so he is thinking about moving down here and getting a job just to be with me is this ture love or what. but i still live with my mum so i have bot other year and i can move out. but the porblem is i really really love him and i'd love to go out so it just confusen even more.
i love your poem. it really touched me in a way that is so true about the guy i am "Talking"to right now. he lives in Pennsylvania and i live in West Virginia and this poem so explains how i feel. YOU ARE A GREAT POET!
i loved it. ma and my bf live in different cities in atl, but its cool. loved the poem.
i love this poem because i can relate to it so keep them coming and i'll holla!
this is a very good poem and i love every inch of it! this really reminds me of me and my boyfriend brandon! and i hope you keep writing its a very good and positive poem heather
u kno i can really realte to this poem because i have a boyfriend whom i love very much and he lives in new york while i'm in illinios its extremely hard for me and this poem kind of expresses the way i feel! good job terrific poem!
I loved this poem. It touched me lie no other my boyfriend and i are in a long distance relationship we are trying to find a way to be closer but this poem touched my heart thank you.
I am currently in a long distance relationship. only 300 miles but it wouldnt matter if it were 3000 miles, we would find a way to be together. Reading this poem just sums up my feelings so very well. I love it.
I love this poem so much cause I can relate to it cause my boyfriend lives in NC and I only get to see him on holiday breaks and during the summer. And it hard to keep intouch when he lives 9-10 hours away! Ya know!
I hane a long distance relationship and Iknow who you feel.
Kesha E.
This poem is really good it's what I'm going through right now. Me and my boyfriend are far apart but I will always love no matter the distance. I love you Jeremy
hey ma wutz good look i just wanted to tell u i luv ur poem right now me n my bf are so far apart he livez in f. l n i live in ohioi had to move n leave him down there cuz i em only 17 and i have a child n he iz 17. but ur poem helpz alot i put it on myspace so evry 1 can see wut good work u do $love mariluz aka lulu$
good poem
I really liked this poem for the reason that im pretty much in the same situation. I love my boyfriend so much, but my parents dont allow him, and well i never see him and i talk to him whenever i get the chance to call him. It hurts so much because i miss him like crazy and i know it hurts him too. So that's why this poem touched me and i think its awsome.
omg i love your poem :) so sweet and true
i loved this poem i related so well as u c my boyfriend is in the army and is away 4 long periods at a time! i miss him so much hopefully he'll b home soon for christmas! but i am so afraid as next year he'll b going afganistan and i wont b able 2 talk 2 him for 6-9months! i jus wanna say i loved it! xxx
When I read this poem It really touched me! I know how you feel. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year and for the past 4 months he has been gone in the Navy!
I love the peom and i give it a 1,000 out of 10
dude your poem is kool!) its talks about me and my boyfriend that is locked up and he barely has a month in there and he is going for 6 months or a year and i'm already dying to see him, but i can't!(only fam. members can)
I really truly like this poem very much because that is how i feel for my boyfriend who lives in chicago and i live in London. me and him met on holiday so now we e-mail each other all the time.
omg tht sounds juss like me and my boyfriend! we live in the same state near the same town but kinda of far away!
I love this poem. It tells everything that I have wanted to say to my boyfriend for a while now and I didn't know how to put it into words. He is in the Army in KY and I live here in VA. So we don't get to see each other like I would like to. Thank you so much for writing this poem it is wonderful.
wow!this poem really touced me i kno exactly how it feels to to have a long distance relatoin ship because tht's my situation as of now this poem really touched me. it's a very good poem
I really liked this poem. My boyfriend is currently in boot camp training to be a United States Marine and I have not seen him in 3 months,and I only have contact through letters. I know what it feels like to cry yourself to sleep wishing he was here to hold you and make your pain go away. I miss with all my heart and soul,but with that said I am also so very proud of him. I can relate to every word in this poem.
I really liked your poem cause it came from your heart ^_^ well done
This poem is so amazing. the love of my life lives in Australia, and I live in Canada. although there's such a distance nothing can keeps us apart! This poem describes all those feelings!
This poem is very touching and it relates to me now. I live in Detroit but my husband Raymond is in L. A because he works there. I only see him once in three weeks when he comes home or he tries his best if it's a birthday or a celebration. He calls every night but it's not the same. We have 2 children and another one on the way and I really want him to come back. I miss him so much and I don't want our baby to grow up without a father like the other ones unfortunaly have. They are so attached to me now because he's never there and it's really hard but I know it's for the best because he has a good job there and sends money for us to live comfortably but money doesn't replace a person. I love Raymond and I always will. I miss him like crazy and hopefully he will come home soon. Our children Adam and Lucky miss him too. We love you and always will.
I really like this poem because it's my exact situation. I live in Canada but I am from Albania and I go there every summer. In summer of 2004 I met this wonderful guy that I love so much and he really loved me too. The whole year I waited until summer of 2005 and went again. I met him for a second time and we got even closer this time. The problem is he has not computer no phone there so there is no way I can talk to him for 10 months until the next summer. We even made plans for the future, I don't think my parents would approve but right now I miss him so much that I honestly don't care. I miss him a lot and think of him everyday and pray to god that he alright and that he hasn't forgotten me either and is still waiting for me. I love him so much and I always will.
I really love your poem because i know how you feel. The love of my life lives in Florida and everyday i miss him more and more. I wish he could be here with me. I miss him so much. It doesnt matter where we live i love him and always will. Hopefully we will see eachother next year. I love the poem!
this poem was awesome. it really touch me cause its exactly how im feeling right now.
I really liked this poem i seriously cried when i read it. my boyfriend and i are seperated and it hurts so bad its good to know theres others out there too . it gives me hope ha thanks i really liked it
I really really liked this poem. im going thru this rite now. and it iz really hard to have someone u love so far away. i love him very much, and hopefully we'll meet sumday. n e wayz, thnx for sharing this great poem. keep it up. l8erz
I love this poem because it tells about me and my boyfriend. Thanx 4 putting it on here.
I love this poem bececause i can relate to it alot! I'm going through the same thing right now! It toched me so deep down inside. It gave me butterflys :) It made my heart tingle :)
This poem really touched me baecause my ex boy friend Mike and I are apart because of the distance east coast vs west coast. And we both know we are soul mates. it is a very sad story! Thanks for the great peom I sent it to him tonight!
Well i really like dis poems b-cuz my baby right now is away from me and we're having our lond distance relationship until i see him.
This poem rules. Its inspired me for the last 3 years. my long distance (lost) love is in sweden, after a holiday. I think its great how this poem fits each and everyone of us!
this is a great poem coz me and my girlfrind are long distence and the that poem feels it how i feel but i cant express my feelins ur a great poet keep it going.
i want to congrat the author of this poem, cause it has really touched my heart. my babe is in ny. i dont know if ill see him again, all i know is, that i love him with all my heart and i dont know how to get rid of this feeling. i guess i wont. i have told him that i will be always his friend, but i think is harder than i thought. u cannot be just friends of someone u are so in love with. i would like to read more poems like this!
I am really touched by this poem.
I really love your poem. I'm glad that there are people that can relate on what I'm going through.
it was great!
When I read this poem it expressed completely the feelings I have for a special someone who is far away. WOW!
i really like your poem. it has a perfect topic. so basically its really good. i love it!
panda i feel as a poet myself that you wrote this just for me. me and my boyfriend have been apart for a while now because he is incarcerated. i celebrated christmas even our anniversary alone but in spirit he was there. thank you so much!
i know how this person feels because i am feeling the same way. it touched me deeply.
I think this poem puts how i feel into words because emotions like this cant be explained i hate moving away from my boyfriend but there is nothin i can do!?!
This poem is truly speaking about my heart now as I am missing my Bf so much who lived and worked overseas. He's in Italy and I am miles away from him!! I could only cry my tears when I'm suffering of missing him so much! I would never have any idea if this distant will kill us both until I read this poem that can bring me another spirit and hopes!I will let him read it. Thanks so much for sharing the distant pain!Ciaooo.
i really loved this poem it is beautiful congradulations! :) :)
hEy gUrL. i loVe ur pOeM. i nOe hOw u fEeL. ive bEen tOgeThEr wiTh mah bAybEh bOi fOr abOUt a yr nOw aNd ive OnLi sEen hiM abOut 5 tyMs in mAh liFe. it'S a hOrribLe fEeliN.
this poem attracted mi attention mi n my bf is in long distance realtion shit thanx for tht poem it was grate! xxxx
The poem reminds me of me and my botfriend. We have a long distance relationship. It is hard to have a long distance relationship far away and can't see each other. The poem id really good.
Panda that poem was amazing it really touched me. I know exactly how you feel im only 17 and my boyfriend lives in Alabama and i live in Florida. And it has become very hard to be with him as a teenager and all the preasure I recieve to do other things. And not being able to see him but you give me the streanth to go on with the relationship in hopes that we will some day be together forever. THANK YOU
This poem is excellent, it really has an effect on the people I sent this to back home, your really good at this bye Panda
i L-O-V-E this poem. i hate havin my boyfriend livin so far from me. i talk to him like, once or twice a month n it sucks! My friends think im crazy but its nice to kno im not the only one =) keep up the good work
I really liked this poem i know how it feel to have a boyfriend who does not live in the same city or town?
i love this poem ,because right now my boyfriend and i are in a long distance relationship. It touche my heart.
Your poem was really great because I can relate. The love of my life lives in North Carolina and I live in Texas. I mean we get to see each other because that is my home state and all my family lives up there, but it is hard b/c we try to see other people but still keep this bond between us like we are still together.
I love this poem. It's what i'm going through right now with the guy i currently am in love with. I'm in California but he is in Cuba and I don't know when he will be back and i miss him like crazy. there isn't a day that goes by however that i don't think of him and how much i love him. You are a very talented poet.
i vote this should be kept on net because its a good long distance relation ship poems im guna use this thanx for puttin this on net :)
im going through a relationship right now where my fiance is in the navy and i miss him more than ever! this poem express every kind of feelings im feeling now! i loved it! when jason gets to come back home this is one of the first poems i would love for him to read! its great!
Wow, I feel the same way. That poem reminds me of my relationship with my boyfriend. We are in a long distance relationship, and have been together 5 months. And in those 5 months, we have seen each other twice. But I still love him with all my heart,and always will. I loved the poem, keep up the good work!
i love this poem. when i read it i just broke down in tears. my boyfriend is in the army is gone to do some training before going to iraq for a year and a half. he just got out of basic so we are new to this "long distance love".
The poem simply writes out what I am feeling now. There's no a single day that I'd ever loss him from my mind n' my dreams. We do not even start seeing each other as by the time we speak out what we felt for each other, he's already gone. and now we're half of the world apart! . Still I am happy just to love him and have him with me all the times. From the bottom of my heart, I know we'll see each other again though this might take a year.
This poem brought tears to my eyes because I am in a long distance relationship and it hurts not being able to see the person you love every day.
im 16, always think i kno the girl. always think shes different. now i met a girl in ibiza. lives in newcastle i live near london. now shes not with me after 2 weeks 2gether is now when i feel the pain. the emotion. its bad. but special. thers sumink ther, i can feel it. she can feel sumink as well. i can tell. we never tell each other. we were mates then we were together. then bck to mates on holiday. now im bck to reality. the dreams gone. but it wasnt a dream, time will tell whether its meant to b. GREAT POEM. REALLY MAKES ME THINK. MATT
Very touching poem. My Fiance and I live 5 hours apart but it hurts the same as it would if he lived on the other side of the world
i know how it fells even though my boyfriend and i are not that far apart i wish we could be together every night and hold each other.
just one word AWESOME!
I have this relationship with my guy who is 500 miles away (at college) n everyday all i do is think about how much i miss him n your poem just seemed to sum up all my emotions n I sent it to him! thanks. keep on writing! love Jessica
I loved this poem so much, its happening to me right now. I wish i was a great poet like u so i can express how i feel bout the one i love. GREAT WORK! LOVED THIS SOO MUCH! i love u James
Oh wow I really loved that poem and quote. I'm in a long distance relationship. I live in pennsylvania and my guy lives in the Bahamas. We only get to see eachother every 3-6 months. I still really love and care about him despite the distance!
i love this poem. i can truly relate to you see my boyfriend and i have had this long distance relationship for 11 months now and it has been the hardest thing i have ever had to go through in life he lives in alabama and i live in tennessee . panda your are truly a great writer
this is a good poem
i loved the poem its everything im feeling now
I love this poem. Its really touch my heart. You know we've been loving each other for 3 years and never realized the feelings we had in each other. I never knew he loves me and he never knew i love him on the day we've spend so much times together ever since I went back to visits him this june and july. In fact, we had a long-distance relationship. But Im hoping that he and I will always stay together no matter what comes between us. I really appreciate this poem. I LOVE IT!
K Frap
I am a newlywed and my husband is a Marine and will be away for 10mos. He left the day after we got married its hard but please just pray for us and all our troops to come home safely. Semper Fi
hey that poen is great. It really touched me im going through that right now. I live in california and the guy i love had to move to Atlanta we still keep in touch but its not the same. He tells me that hes comeing back to take me with him but im olny 17. well keep up the good work.
I am in LOVE with you poem. This guy i like lives in North Carolina and this poem fits how i feel perfectly! Keep wriiting poems you are so talented at it!
i like ya poem it reminds me of me and my boyfriend but we r still together and holdeing strong but he knows i love him no matter what happens im sure the person ya talking about knows that ya still have love for them thinks for the poem to read its verey touching thinks cayla
I was extremely moved when I read this poem. My love is now in USA but here I am in Thailand. It's different continent. kinda hard for us. But we trust in each other and that will make our love last forever.
This poem describes how a lot of us feel who have fallen in love with someone who is very far away and one would give anything to be with that person.
I can relte to the poem because my boyfriend just left to the air force, i mis him so very much. and i really like your poem, it makes me feel better to know im not alone in this long distance relationship stuff.
WOW! Panda i wanted to thank u with all my heart. ur poem was so touching and i could finally find a poem that explains everything about me and my boyfriend. i used to live in austin tx and recently had to leave my boyfriend behind and have moved 4 hours away. i know its only 4 hours but for me and him being together 24/7 most of the time this is a big change and heartreaking experience for us. and it has really tought us how we feel and shown us how much we really love and need one another. thank u for taking ur time to write this wonderful heart warming poem and for touchign me and my boyfriends hearts.
The reason i personally like this poem so much is cause i am madly in love with a guy that live by my dad. Not one day goes by that i dont think about him and want to see his face! This poem really puts the way i feel into words. And i wish that one day i can be with him all the time. Im really happy i found this poem!
A wonderful poem
What a good job i loved your poem you said in words how i exactly feel about my bf who lives far away
I loved this poem! i'm in the same situation right now and i just wish with all my heart i could be with my boyfriend in IL, rather than here in MI. this poem truly touched me and makes me miss him so much more!
this poem really touched me because it reminds me of me and David. I wanna tell em that i love em and i wanna be with him but i cant so sorry and i will give anything up just to be in his arms. Maria
This poem really touched me. Panda you are really a great poet and you inspire me for wanting to become a poet. Keep all the good work up!:)
I LOVED your poem, i can trully relate, i live in New Mexico and the love of my life lives in Hawaii, i love and miss him soo much! I LOVE YOU ALEX!
I love this poem and I kno how you feel. I'm going thru the same thing right now. Just hang in there and everything'll get better!
Your poem is wonderfull! i've been trying to put how i feel about the love of my life for a LONG time. but now i don't have to try anymore. you took the words right from me. It's not like you know me or anyhting (obviously) but, thank you so much for writing this poem. i think i would have gone crazy if i hadn't found out some one else felt as i do
I love this poem ! I know how it feels b/c the love of my life and the guy I want to marry lives in ohio and I live in georgia.
LOVE ur poem! thats wuts going on with me and my boyfriend! im in Hawaii and he is in Pennsylvainna! LOL! SUCKS huh? would it be ok if i would send his this poem
I loved this poem,'cause I mean my boyfriend lives in Ohio and I live here in Michigan and my dad wont let me see him and its really hard. My step mom says I wont be able to see him 'til he gets his liences and his own car. And its like you know hard. And I really love him and we are only 14. lol. But its been almost 5 months for this long distance relationship. And we try our best to keep it up
This poem is a beautiful poem! Keep up the good work!
I love this poem. it's exactly how i feel about my boyfriend. he lives in ohio. i live in rhode island. it's really hard not seeing him ever. but i still love him with all of my heart.
WOW! i just wanna say that i know exactly how you feel! i loved this kid for about three years. but after the first year when we both were ready to be together he told me he had to move to ohio, and i live in NH. i feel so empty with out him.
thats a really cute poem. im in the same situation as u r. I wish u good luck wit ur man
My Boyfriend lives in North Carolina and I stay in Pennsylvania. At times it gets hard because I don't know what he is doin but I know he loves me and I love him so I trust him even though were miles apart. This poem is beautiful and it open my eyes and 1 day I hope I can see my baby
I really did like this poetry because it related to me and my lover back at home. He's back at home and I'm off at school in another country so we don't get to see each much. My comment is to keep it up you all are doing good!
This is such a great poem. I love it. I am on a long distance relationship and i feel the same way as the poem. so powerful!
This poem is truly touching, especially when the same thing is happening to me.
omg i was captivated my that poem it sums up how i am with a guy right now i told it to him and he soon realized how much i did love him ur an excelent righter keep it up
I love this poem! My boyfriend is in the Navy, and he just left and I already miss him so much. I havnt heard from him in a while, but Im going to send him this poem. Thank you for having a way for me to express my feelings!
When I read this poem it rang so true to my heart. I love someone that is so close but yet so far from my reach it hurts inside. Thank you for your words.
i truly love this poem!im in this situation with my boyfriend who happens to live far away from me. while i read this poem i could feel the emotions in it and my heart sank knowing i felt the same way as in this poem you have written. i love to find poems that i can relate to and this one happen to be perfect for me! this is a great poem!
wow! that is an amazing poem. right now i am feeling the same way. the one that i love lives so far away from me and the distance factor is awefol. keel writing. its awesome
this poem is really great and there needs to be more like it!
I think this poem is Great and it shows excalty how i feel about my bf . I miss him so much . It is hard cuz he lives sooo far away from me but i know that he loves me and i love him it is just the distance that is keeping us apart . Great Job! Please keep up the Great work!
This poem is what is going on with me and the love of my life! its awesome and its perfect keep going on your writing!
My boy friend lives in Nem Mexico and I live in Texas I miss him so much I wish he could hold me in his arms I miss his dazzeling brown eyes I would do any thing if he could be down here right now I miss him ALOT
This poem is so good. It touched me so much, becuase the love of my life is far away too. This is truly the best poem i've ever read! I love you Billy!
This poem reminds me of my boyfriend and me. He lives in Fl. and I live in Oh. I plan to marry him, but right now it's really hard being apart.
I love this poem because it relates to me. My parents are divorcing and I have to leave the guy im gonna marry after highschool here in florida and go to NC with my mom for the last year of school!
I LOVE THIS POEM SOOOOOO MUCH! I can totally relate to this poem! My boyfriend lives in Colorado and I live in Arizona. I love him sooooo much!
I liked this poem bcuz i could really relate to it. I love guy who lives far away and I wish I could see him every day.
Yeah i loved ur poem so i wanna put it on my site if thats ok with u!
i liked your poem. it kinda reminds me of me and my boyfriend. he lives like 45 min. away from me and we can only see eachother on the weekends.
This poem means so much to me. it totally explains the way i feel. it is a GREAT AMAZING TERRIFIC poem! me and my boyfriend love it and wish that we didnt have to live 8 hours away. its just off da hook!
I really liked this poem beacause i relate to it alot. My girlfriend lives in the RGV (956) and i live in Dallas i feel exactly the same way. I am really in love with her and I get sad because i cant have her close when i need to be with her but im going to see her and im so happy about it well loved the poem and keep it up. and LOVE YOU CARLA
That poem is exactly how I feel about my long distance rel. with my boyfriend Joe. I love him so much and the only thing between us is the distance
i love the poem. it describes totally my relationship with the love of my life
I can truly relate because the love of my life is in the navy and we haven't seen each other for 5 months but we are still going stronger than ever. it is hard but as I always say if it is meant to be everything will work out the way it is suppose to. awesome poem!
This poem was so perfect for me and my boyfriend Andy. He's been away in the ARMY for 5 months now and it's hard but I can handle it cause I love him so much and even thou he's so far away we still are together forever and I can't wait for him to come home. I sent a copy of this poem to him and he also said that it was the prefect poem!
Omg! That poem really relates to my life. My boyfriend is in the Detention center right now. and I know he makes some bad choices, I still love him for who he is. We are plannin on spendin the rest of our lives together. But for now, it's hard on the both of us being so far apart and not being able to see him inless it's at his court hearings. I miss him so much. Whoever wrote this poems is like an angel to me by knowing how I really feel. Thanks.
i really like your poem! i remember my crush left and went to america.
i loved this poem!i know how u feel b/c my boyfriend lives 80 miles away and we both love your peom. keep up the good work!and thanx for writing this poem
Hey I think the poem was really good, you really described my brother Justins Relationship with his ex girlfriend. Keep up the good work girl
I really like this poem because i can relate to it. My new love lives in Chicago and I live in Memphis, but hopefully he'll move here soon!
i loved it i'm in the same relaionship now i haven't seen him in a year
This poem is really touching! I am in they exact situation and i find It so hard to describe how i feel but thankyou Panda you say it all for me I met someone on the internet who i so amazingly fell in love with and have only known him 6 months. But its TRUE. ! Thanks very much Panda
This poem describes my relationship with Nick perfectly. He's in the Marines in California. I miss him so much. He is te greatest guy I have ever met. He broke my heart by telling me that we would've been together if he was stationed closer to me--I live in Rhode Island. I miss him so much.
this poem is so true about my life. i just moved away from my boyfriend and i hate being away from him. when i read this poem it made me cry. and i want to be with him so bad, i just hope we can be together soon. thanx for writing such a wonderful poem for all of those who can realate to this.
this reminds me of me and my boyfriend who live an hour away. it is so hard, but even harder to let go of something so good. very nice poem. i'll make sure he reads it. thanx
I can definietly relate because my boyfriend lives in Wales. I miss him a lot and i can't wait to see him cause I love him! I love this poem.
Hey there! This was a really nice poem u wrote. It actually made me apart from my boyfriend whom i been with for 4 years. I lost him to the law(he's in jail)i fear that im never going to see him again but your peom was just wonderful!
Hi! this poem rockz! its so true..i have a long distant girlfriend..and i love her so much.. love you jasmin
Thank you for writing this poem! I know exactly how you are feeling! I am in love with my first boyfriend and we broke up and he had to move away for 4 years and we still talk but I love him so much and want to be with him! But I can't
I can really relate and understand exactly how you feel but I know over time things will be okay. KEEP UP THE GOOD WRITTING!
i really liked the poem
thatz a really good poem i know how u feel couse thatz what happining to me right now i cant have that guy w/me and it does hurtz me alot..:(
Omg! i spent all day today lookin 4 a poem 2 describe me & my now ex-boyfriendz relationship. I live n NE & he livez n SD i'm only 14 & he'z 15 but i really think itz love & our only reason 4 breakin up is b'cuz we never c each other. But I love this poem so much!
Your poem was sooo true. I feel like dat with my boyfriend. I wanna be with him forever, and I try sooo hard to be a good girlfriend to him. He lives 3 hours away and we never see each other
your poem was excellent. i have been searching for the perfect one to send to my boyfriend-best friend who just went into the Army and this is definitely the one! thanks so much
My boyfriend is in the Marine's in California and im in Utah the long distance relationship is hard but like this poem i hope we will be together forever like we say are, as soon as he comes home. It inspire's me to stay strong.
I loved this poem. I know how you feel. My boyfriend is in the Army. I miss him so much but I know everything will be okay.
hey gurl, this poem is so tru! I am in the same situation! and one day I hope my wish comes tru to! Thank you for writing this poem and making me realize that I aint the only one with the long distant relationship trouble!
the poem is so nice i can relate to it because i have a long distant relationship too but that doesnt bother me because i lovemy girlfriend
This poem rang so true with me and my girlfriend, i love you, I'm glad that we are together and when you first sent me this poem i cried, I LOVE YOU. and Thank you again
I really loved your poem! I can totally relate to it, this past month I met an awesome guy at camp, he lives in Colorado and I live in Indiana...I am head over heels for him, and he says he is the same for me. He's the best guy I have ever met, and I miss him more and more everyday, but just talking to him, thinking about him, and looking at his pictures gives me an incredible feeling! I think I love him. Good luck, wish me luck too!<3
I truly love this poem....It's expressing to me the very same thing that I'm going through right now with my on again off again boyfriend who lives in palm springs and i live in the the valley. We can't be together but with time I know that one day we will and this poem is just what I was looking for.... Thank You Panda!
I loved your poem. My boyfriend is leaving in a few days to go back home to Brazil and I was looking for a poem to give to him. Your poem related exactly to my thoughts. Thanks so much. :)
I love this poem. It relates to me and my boyfriend.
I love your poem. I live in TN and my boyfriend lives in KY. We're not that far away but I haven't seen him in 6 months b/c our schedules are so different. We've been together almost a year. Good luck to you.
i love it i know how it feels it's happening to me!
Thanks for this poem i forwaded it to my girlfreind.
i have a long distance boyfriend and i know it's hard but if you love each other then you will truly be together one day me &my b-friend have been together almost a year now love will find a way good luck!
i came online to look for a poem that said exactly what was going through my mind, and this poem was it. i love it. and if you dont mind im printing it out. :)
this was a really great poem. you seem to put alot of time and interest into your work. good luck on future poems.
I thought this poem was really good. It sort of relates to me and my ex boyfriend Addam and I love him so much but I moved away but I might be moving back. I love the poem though you have a lot of talent.
that was a really good poem,and that is what i am going through right now and it is tearing me apart! Great poem!
This is a great poem. Continue the good work.
This poem was awesome...I met a guy at camp a few years ago and this is how we are...were so in love but so far away...thank you!!
hi my name is kayley and i can relate to this poem.My boyfriend Chad lives in South Carolina and i live in Florida.We met on the internet and have been going out for two months.I really love him and he sent me his picture.I plan to meet him on my birthday which is in november but i can't stand not being there with him in his arms and kissing him all i want in life is him and we were meant to be together forever.
This poem is really good. I get what you are saying my B/F is locked up in a State Trainig school. So I understand!
I love this poem. It describes exactly me!
I read your poem and i cried, i sent it to my boyfriend and he cried!! It is so true, every word u wrote. I have just started a long-distance relationship, and it hurts so much when we can't be 2getha. This poem says exactly how i feel and thank u for writing it, hope everything goes well for u.
I totally understand how the author feels! I'm in love with the greatest guy in the planet, my soulmate, but he lives in Switzerland and I in the U.S.! The distance is great, but that has made my love for him grow even stronger and I know that we'll be together again! And when we do get back together, nothing will tear us apart!
it's so true....I met my girlfriend on the internet; she lives in NC, and I live in Denmark....and i'm so in love with her...i just want for us to hold eachother and never let go...
I really love this poem because my boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, and the poem makes me sad, but it's very good
I really liked this Poem. My boyfriend whom I am falling in love with lives in Texas..and I live in Louisiana. This poem describes how I feel everyday. If anyone is in a long distance relationship and they are both truly in love,well... U will find a way to be with each other. There is always hope
This is really nice. It is nice to get our feelings out. It was very nice
i loved this poem so much!!!!!!!!! it's so true!because i met this guy in flordia and i live in texas. it was hard for both of us.we both loved it alot!
I just want you to know that I think your peom is great. I can relate to it easily, because my relationship with my boyfriend is the same way. Hope you see your guy soon.
Panda, my ex-botfriend lives far from me that's why we had to break up. But I still love him and care for him as if we were still going out. This poem reminds me of my relationship with Chris.
I love this poem ! it made me cry ! sometimes love sucks so bad that you have to be 2000 miles away from the one person that you wish you could be next to forever that can be really sad ..again I love this poem
My girl just moved to California and this poem relates to what I feel for her. Thank you.
i like it, i't's exactly about me.
this is really good i like it!
this poem is beautiful and it tells about me and someone special
I know others have said this before, but this poem totally describes my relationship with the guy I'm inlove with. This really is a good, no, great, no, WONDERFUL poem. :)
i think that this is a awsome poem!i think that you did a really good job!good luck in everything that you do!
This describes exactly how I feel about this guy who I think might be the one. I couldn't have asked for a better poem!
i think this poem was really good and it makes me think about my girlfriend...thank you
i loved that poem me and my girl are the same way it was so moving i about cried
I recently got about the same feeling SO i wish you much luck
This poem is awesome. I can relate to it so well 'cause my boyfriend is a Marine and he's 450 miles away from me. As much as my head tells me to move on and find someone close to me, my heart reminds me how special he is and that I never want to let him go.
Hey girl. I really like your poem. It relates to me so much. I hope you can see your bf soon. Well keep posting.
I love this. I have a boyfriend that moved to Ca and I live in Hawaii. I love him dearly and it breaks my heart that he isn't around me no more.
Great Poem, nice Rhime, Has a true meaning that many can relate to.
this poem is the best one I have ever read. this makes me think about me and my boyfriend. There is hope, I wish for it everyday.
I thought this poem was really good. You put a lot of feelings into it and it's so real, not just a lie. It's the way you maybe once felt and that is a very good way to write your feelings out.
I love this poem. I can so relate to it. I sent my long distence lover this poem.
This poem is very true. I live in NC and my boyfriend lives in SC. My mom does not like him because she thinks he is a troublemaker. She won't let me see him when I come down to visit her. I love him a lot. She does not understand how hard it is for me. I never get to see him. I try to call him as much as possible. I cry every night , I can't sleep, I don't concentrate in school. I miss him so much .
I know how you feel cause I have the same thing going on with me I really do like this poem I think it sould be #1!
I am in a long distance relationship too, and it's so hard to deal with. I understand what your going through. my boyfriend is in arizona and I'm in new york and we are trying our best to make it work. I wish u the best of luck!
i dont know who wrote this but it fits me perfecly even the name cuz the one i love is far away and her name is manda but people call her panda i love her so much!

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