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Oh! Snatched Away in Beauty's Bloom
by Lord George Gordon Byron

English romantic poet and satirist. Principal works include Childe Harolde's Pilgrimage (1812-18), The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair and The Giaour (1813), Lara (1814), The Prisoner of Chillon (1816), Beppo (1817), Don Juan (1819), The Two Foscari (1821), Sardanapalus and Cain (1821), Werner, The Age of Bronze and The Island (1823). His letters and journals, many of them apparently written with an eye for publication are also considered to be part of his opus. Byron enjoyed a vast and durable reputation as a poet and his character, unconventional lifestyle and poetic style have synthesised to create the image of the Byronic hero.

Other romantic poets include Keats, Burns, Coleridge and Wordsworth.

Oh! Snatched Away in Beauty's Bloom
by Lord George Gordon Byron

Oh! snatched away in beauty's bloom,
On thee shall press no ponderous tomb;
But on thy turf shall roses rear
Their leaves, the earliest of the year;
And the wild cypress wave in tender gloom:

And oft by yon blue gushing stream
Shall Sorrow lean her drooping head,
And feed deep thought with many a dream,
And lingering pause and lightly tread;
Fond wretch! as if her step disturbed the dead!

Away! ye know that tears are vain,
That death nor heeds nor hears distress:
Will this unteach us to complain?
Or make one mourner weep the less?
And thou -who tell'st me to forget,
Thy looks are wan, thine eyes are wet.

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