The Temper
by George Herbert
English metaphysical poet. The majority of his works were religious poems written in the last years of his life and were published in The Temple: Sacred poems and Private Ejaculations (1633). His notable poems include 'The Church Porch' a doctrinal poem, and 'The Altar' and 'Easter Wings', pattern poems where the lines form the shape of the subject. Other metaphysical poets include John Donne, Henry Vaughan and Andrew Marvell.
The Temper
How should I praise thee, Lord! how should my rhymes Although there were some forty heav'ns, or more, O rack me not to such a vast extent; Wilt thou meet arms with man, that thou dost stretch O let me, when thy roof my soul hath hid, Yet take thy way; for sure thy way is best: Whether I fly with angels, fall with dust, |