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A Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
by Sir Walter Raleigh

English poet. His most famous poems include an 'Epitaph of Sir Philip Sidney', 'Even Such is Time' and the sonnets 'Methought I Saw the Grave Where Laura Lay' which prefaced Spenser's Faerie Queene, and 'Sir Walter Ralegh to His Son'. The standard edition of his Poems was produced by A. Latham in 1951. His prose 'Report of the Truth of the Fight about the Isles of Açores' (1591) inspired Tennyson's poem 'The Revenge'. Other notable prose works are The Discoverie of Guiana (1596) and The History of the World (1614).

A Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
by Sir Walter Raleigh

(See "The Passionate Shepherd To His Love" by Christopher Marlowe)

If all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee, and be thy love.

Time drives the flocks from field to fold
When rivers rage, and rocks grow cold,
And Philomel becometh dumb;
The rest complains of cares to come.

The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward winter reckoning yields;
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.

Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies,
Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten:
In folly ripe, in reason rotten.

Thy belt of straw and ivy buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,
All these in me no means can move,
To come to thee, and be thy love.

But could youth last, and love still breed,
Had joys no date, nor age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move
To live with thee, and be thy love.

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