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The Tamed Deer
by Edmund Spenser

English poet. Best known for The Faerie Queene (written from 1580, published 1589 and 1596); his first important work is the Shepheardes Calender (1579). Other works include Colin Clouts Come Home Again (printed 1595), Amoretti and Epithalamion (1595), Fowre Hymnes (1596). Spencer invented his own verse form for The Faerie Queene which has since been imitated by others, notably Byron in Childe Harolde.

The Tamed Deer
by Edmund Spenser

Like as a huntsman after weary chase
Seeing the game from him escaped away,
Sits down to rest him in some shady place,
With panting hounds beguiled of their prey:
So, after long pursuit and vain assay,
When I all weary had the chase forsook,
The gentle deer returned the self-same way,
Thinking to quench her thirst at the next brook.
There she beholding me with milder look,
Sought not to fly, but fearless still did bide;
Till I in hand her yet half trembling took,
And with her own good-will her firmly tied.
Strange thing, me seemed, to see a beast so wild
So goodly won, with her own will beguiled.

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