Passions in Poetry News
The Transition of Ron's Websites
updated December 19th, 2021
Background: Ron Carnell was the brilliant and charming founder of the poetry sites listed below. With his recent passing, we are respecting his wishes to transition these websites to a new home. As discussed with Ron, these sites will be continued in a 'read-only' incarnation to preserve his exceptional legacy, and allow people to remember and appreciate the heart and soul that Ron, the poets and the readers poured into these sites for over 22 years. With Ron’s existing hosting provider discontinuing their hosting services, it was time to make this move. We could not let these treasures 'disappear'.
I will periodically update this news item with the progress of the transition of Ron's websites.
A placeholder page was posted for all sites on August 30th 2021. Ron's old servers went offline on September 8th, 2021. This is the same day that we launched the new versions of and Passions in Poetry - the main site
A rollout of the remaining content areas within the site will be done with future incremental releases.
- September 8th, 2021: launched new version of
- September 14th, 2021: added back the Classic poetry
- September 22nd, 2021: added back the subcategory menu
- September 28nd, 2021: added back Poets section
- October 10th, 2021: added back Poetry Search
- October 19th, 2021: added back Poetry Quick Search, EMail Poets Countdown of the favorite poems from NetPoets
This site is a direct result of the original vote tallies derived from the main site.
- September 8th, 2021: launched new version of Poetry Forums - the PiPTalk 'blue pages'
Sadly, this transition marks the end of a very special era. Since the forums will become 'read-only', there will be no ability to Post or Reply, and with no User Logins, only the 'public' forums can be available for future viewing.
- December 19th, 2021: This site is now live! see announcement News Item Poetry Magazine
This site was previously located at, and was Ron's periodic digital Poetry Magazine active from 1999-2002.
- September 8th, 2021: This site was recreated 'as-is' in its new url location.