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About the Poem

He who can teach someone to see a million miles with their feet planted firmly on the ground, surely deserves the honor of being called a friend. And that is exactly what he did..

My Jonathan Seagull

My dear friend....
You came into my life so unexpectedly..
Little did I know what was to lie ahead
For the longest time you were a click of a mouse, words on my screen
Hugs that warmed my days.. and secured my nights

Within the many hours of our private room,
You showed me strength, when I showed you my weaknesses.
You taught me the importance of believing in myself,
When I thought there was nothing to believe in
You taught me so much, in ways I never knew
You stood behind me when I began to fall.

Along side of me when I needed a friend
In front of me when I needed a guide
You showed me my ability to fly...
How to reach places I had only dreamed of
You saw me with your heart and not your eyes
But more importantly you gave me a piece of you
A gift worth far more than money could buy.

You gave me a floor to dance on..
A song in my heart that I finally understand the words to
And a peacefulness in my heart...where you will live forever..
I hope everyone finds a "YOU"
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© 1999 Wisp Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

52 Visitor Comments

Very inspiring, and I just received this from a very special person, and it means the world to me. thank you for helping him show what he needed to say!
This to me is a true story not a poem, I have met my hubby on line and we will be marraid three years on november 15
This is a beautiful poem! No one could have written a more perfect friendship poem and put all the right words in it to say. The author should be making millions by writing poems! Absolutely beautifully written!
Beautiful. Thanks.
Your poem really touched me because i met someone online after me and my old bf borke up. We were just friends for a month and than he asked me out on July 1st and we have been going out since. Even though we still have a year before we can meet i am willing to stay in this relationship. Because he is the one that i want to spend my life with he is my everything. He is always there for me when i need him to just listen. He always encourages me to follow my dreams and always tells me never to give when thats all i want to do. He is also really understanding and knows that if i can't be online than it is for a good reason or if i need to leave early from of our chats. I love him with all my heart and he is my night in shining armor. I know that he is always honest and loyal to me and trust him with all my heart not to hurt me.
The title was the thing that caught my eye when i was browsing through this website. My friend's name is Jonathan. He lives all the way in Illinois, and I'm in Washington. This poem reflects my feelings about him perfectly :) He's my best friend, even though he lives all the way across the states. I would send this poem to him, if I had the courage to. But I'm just in my low teens. Hopefully, he'll see this comment one day. I hope he does. Your poem inspired me to write some of my own poems. :) Maybe, you'll see me here one day. Maybe
This poem touched me. It expresses everything I feel about a internet friend that I have. Thank you for putting my thoughts and feeling into words.
I met a wonderful guy online and we became friends. I cannot think of any words more appropriate than this poem that will describe how i appreciate our friendship. Thanks very much to the author.
I too found a friend like this online. It is indeed a rare treasure. Only wish others felt this way too. Thank you, your poem touched me.
In my life, I have two of these people. They lead to me more richness and texture and compassion and love than I knew was even imaginable. And they ain't done! David
I just have no words for that wonderfully described poem! it's so touching and so emotional. All is so true n so real.
My boyfriend Jeff, sent me this poem on reading it he thought of me with, I in turn he,it touched both of our hearts having previouly been internet friends. It perfectly sums in words our thoughts feelings and love for each other. We have both been blessed in finding a special 'YOU' with each other.
This is a wonderfully sweet poem. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for putting into words the feelings I seem unable to express. I am looking forward to sharing this poem with my internet friend.
I just wanted to say this poem touched me because i found that too, and it really feels great don't it.
Very relative and deep to me. Nicely done, thank you.
I have read the "Jonathan Seagull" story and its my heart. My way of undrestanding life. and. well the poems is good:D
You said it, Wisp! Fantastic. You spoke better than I what so many of us have experienced through penpalships with folks we've 'met' on the Net. Thank you. Good poem
This is an awesome written poem. I loved it, put a smile on my face and held so much emotion. Good job Wisp.
yr poem touched my heart coz it reminded me of a friend I met on the internet n this is quite nearly the same way that I feel for him. so cheers!n thanx for a good read
I almost began to cry, it so beautiful and had a lot of heart feeling!
its just unbeliveable! great work done by Wisp. you are speaking with your heart.
Your lovely poem just about sums up my new friend Kittycat!
I read your poem and I cried. I met this man on the internet and what you said in your poem is so true about him. He gave me his world and became my angel. I love him with all my heart and I am a happier, stronger, and more ooout going because of him. I could not of put it in word like you. I let himread the peom so know he knows how i feel. thank you. it is wonderful when you find that one you .
Perfect, just perfect, exactly how i feel about one of my best friends
this poem truly describes how I feel about my friend ace, I couldnt have told him in any better way , than thru this poem,
This poem says it all! Amazing the freedom one finds to be real with a friend on line...Wish that it would always be so IRL...
The first poem I ever sent to my friend "Puddingpook"...No other words could recreate a poem like this one, it's absolutely "magic from the heart."
Mmm yes, u say it beautifully
What a beautiful poem. There are so many precious thoughts in this. It makes your heart sing.
Hi, I think this is a very meaningful poems for me coz I do found a true friends in my heart even I've not meet him in person yet.
This is great peotry written from the heart and so true for the ones that undersand.
WOW!!! Such feeling. I don't even think perfect matches what this poem is. It's beyond perfect. It explains everything that I have wanted to say to my friend. I owe you a big THANK YOU WISP!!!
What can I say!!!! Perfect in every way.
It says it all...we all need friends like this...but is so hard to say to them what we feel...thank you for doing that for me..
I have searched and searched for the words to tell "My Jonathan Seagull" what he has done for me and the impact he has made on my life. You say it prefectly and in the most enduring way. Perfect. beautiful..
the perfect poem for the perfect friend I found over the internet.
it was an excellent one that described how i felt about a lady who helped me through a few probs and i just wanted to tell her and it was exactly what i was looking for ty
It expresses how I feel for my best friend.who I met online. Your poem expresses exactly how I feel about him, and I even cried when I read this poem. Its very touching. Keep up the good work!
A simple thanx isn't enough, so i won't down play the way ur poem spoke 2 me, by saying it.....Guess u'll neva know!
This poem says everything i feel about a special man i met. Everytime I read it i cry. I cry for the happiness i feel, and for the the life I well have without him. Thank you wisp. I will read this often.
When i seen your poem I thought of the friend I met over the internet He has done all this and so much more.He deserves the honor of being called a friend.This is a beautiful poem that touched my heart.
This poet just sais it all !!!! Continue this great job , it's fantastic !!!! Congratulations once more....
This is a very interesting poem. It has more than just words in it, it also has feeling. And that's what makes a poem "magical." I wish a lot of success to Wisp for such a great poem and newcoming poems!
this touched my heart. It remined me of so many of internet friend that helped me when my grandbaby was kidnapped and they stood by me till he was safly returned. Net friends are very special
That poem is so true and it says it all so beautifully.
I was dreaming of a way to tell to my very special net-friend, how special he is.....when I found this poem.......and it did it for me !!! My friend just loved it, and felt exactly what i wanted to...!!!! In fact, this poem was my own words and feelings through the net to my friend, my hands to touch his heart, my hug to give him my Thanks...!
Your poem is almost too perfect to be true. It is almost as if it were written for my relationship with a special someone. To me, it reads more as a diary, than a poem. It seems to fit so perfectly, Thank You. It is Great!

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