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About the Poem

This is about how an online friend can make you feel so much love. I can hardly explain - but I have experienced it first hand and can let you know it is a wonderful feeling.

Dream Lover

She wakes every morning with a smile
on her face.
She felt his love in her sleep.
Dreamed of his embrace.

Although she's never met his body.
His heart she does feel.
Anytime she has loved before.
Has never felt so real.

There is no explanation for it.
Not one has she yet found.
But OMG the feeling she gets when
he is around.

Although it may end tomorrow.
The memory will not fade.
For in her heart a life long friend.
She feels that she has made.

She hopes it last forever.
She prays that they do meet.
She dreams of the day her online love.
sweeps her off her feet.
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© 1999 Nina Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

49 Visitor Comments

it's a fantastic poem nina! feels like my own feelings. it touch my heart thank you so much. i just love it
this poem is beautiful and touche me deeply and hopefully someday , it will be real for me.
I loved this poem. Thank you, it's just how I feel about my own online love. Just thanks again. ^. ^
omg its so sweet i loved it Nina , keep it up!
This just hit the spot in my heart that I thought didn't exist anymore. It really spoke out to me in a way that I hadn't been spoken to in a long time. Thank you for the inspiration! I give it 5 starsby far!
omg thats so me i mean i wake up with a smile then rush to the computer but he's never on till later even though i know that i still log on hoping that he'll just pop up lol thanxz i needed a poem like this to remind me i'm not the only one
I loved your poem. As funny as this may sound i have used it 3 times thus far. I have meant it everytime. I have 2 friends still and hope the 3rd is the one )
Nice! this totally relates to me. i met a guy online once, talked for like a whole 2 years almost, but since we cant see each other things seemed to fade away. wishing i can see him one day, i just hope,dream,and pray. nice peom it touched me. thanks.
I just wanted to let ya know, I sent this poem to the loveof my life, which I have only so far met online, you jus summed it up for me. GREAT JOB!
This is a wonderfull poem it has touched me and my online lover I feel this is a poem just for me! This is truly amazing poem and the writer does have talent I LOVE THIS POEM
the poem was beautiful it reminded me of my online love even though I lost him I still have sweet memories of him. thank you for reminding that love does exist online.
Exactly how i feel about my online love. Ihave never foun the right words till now, thank you
Hmmmmm. I'm very amazed Nina, B/c I wrote similar poem to my First one AND only my sweet luv, very similar w/ same concept. And U R poem just brought all the memories back. The first dream I had abt my sweet guy etc . OML i just dun know wht 2 say. Thx 4 sharing & best luck with the upcoming ones(If u have any). (. _. ).
Aww loved it.
This poem really touched me because its this guy I have chatted with and his personality is speechless. I have seen his pics but I have never seden him in person. Keep writing:)
That was beautiful! I love it so much! You're a very good writer. Keep up the good work! :)
This poem really made me smile. This was me not all that long ago, lol. I met a wonderful man online a year ago and during the beginning of our relationship, I was exactly like this poem. We are now engaged!
this peom is really true and good! Good Job!
SUPURB! What eles can I say? I'm speechless. it was really REALLY well written
Wow! Well for one my name is Nina too so I was kinda feeling special about that. And second I met my love of 2 and a half years in a MSN Chat. Anyway, I really like your poem. It put a smile on my face.
AWESOME poem. touched my heart and stirred me :D thank you and keep writing :D
beuitfull poem thanks for letting me use it
good writing, too bad I never have a person like that.
really, really nice Nina keep it up
Great Poem!
wow. this is wonderfull this really crosses my heart . this poem really works on my heart
Oh wow how can I even express the feelings this poem awoke in me! Its nice to see that Im not the only one who has found this kind of passion and has had the guts to not turn from it best of luck to all the lucky ones who have had this chance in their lives!
This poem is very good. Thanks
This describes exactly how I feel about my online love. now I have something to send him to let him know how I feel. You write beautiful poetry. thank you.
This was really beautiful. I got a lump in my throat just reading it. This is how I feel about someone who lives so far away from me. He is in SD and I am in FL but I love him with all my heart. Thank you for this. It made me smile.
This poem is soooo beautiful. It is soooo true. Thank you for such a real and moving poem
wow this poem explains everthing about my guy online.i hope to see more of poems like this its really great talent.
wow. this explains exactly how i felt while courting the guy who is now my fiance of 3 months. It seemed to take forever for the two of us to meet. Days, Weeks, Months of LMAO, OMG, CUL8R, BRB, and TTYL's. but when we finally did was amazing. thank you for finding the words to express what i could not.
I really loved this poem, I meet a guy on line , though we have only been talking a little over a week it seems we have know each other alot longer ,I have deep feelings fer him as he dose for me.this poem is great fer ,chat room or online love.i give it a 10
Wow! This Poem Is Great! Absolutely How I Feel!
Very beautiful, my feelings are in this poem. I have met that someone special. I hope we can meet one day.
it is really good bc it makes me think of my bf ryan .
This poem says it all!! I have met a wonderful man in the cyber world,and i feel the way the poem describes it.And we do plan on meeting one day soon,but until then I wanted to let him know the feelings I get when we are on line.This is a great poem!!
this touched my heart in some many ways. itwas like i had the same feeling.
My feelings exactly!
I love this poem and I hope to see more poems like this
i thought it was a very touching poem,just what i was looking for to send to my online love.thank you so much
I too fell deeply in love with an online friend. This poem really hit me hard in the heart. Thank you very much, now I know I'm not alone.
I met my fiance on the internet playing euchre. Your poem expresses so many of my feelings then and now. I am working on a website and will feel proud to put this poem there Of course I will give you complete credit for it Thank You
expresses just how I feel about the wonderful man I met online
This is the best poem i have read I am kinda in that situation now, I have fallen deeply in love with my onlie friend.I look forward every morning hearing from him.He always outs smile on my face
This so says exactly what is in my heart for my cdnluv!
describes it perfectly.
this poem was excellent i cried

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