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About the Poem

About four years ago my Aunt Lynda died. She was the closed aunt to me, she was like a second mother to me. This poem is for her.

My Lost Hero

You came into my life like a burning flame.
That was your true ticket to fame.
Yet your flame has burned out.
It seems as if only I was to pout.
Others have found ways to carry on.
But in my heart I still hold your song.
You were so early to be taken away.
It hurt so much I can’t even say.
But even though we have parted, you’re still close to me.
Yet all my pain others can’t see.
You’re the first person I’ve lost, but I know you won’t be the last.
I know I should put these feelings in the past.
It’s been years now since I’ve seen your face.
And my sad feelings move at such a deadly pace.
But every time I look up to the stars,
I know exactly where you are.
You’re in my heart.
At least that’s a start.
The birds, the bees,
the flowers the trees.
They all remind me.
You watch over me day and night.
But I’m forlorn ‘cause you’re always out of sight.
I know you hear my prayers.
And my burdens you help bear.
I never could say a decent good bye.
I never will know why.
I guess because I still can’t think of you as gone.
Maybe that’s how I cope with carrying on.
I guess you could say my feet were never on the ground.
But the thought of your voice would be a beautiful sound.
I still have the rose from your funeral of long ago.
Yet when people say you’re gone, I say it isn’t so.
My mind if full with thoughts of you.
But the memories I have are of a very few.
Now comes the time when I must let go.
And it pains me so.
But I know you’re in a better land.
And now I think I understand.
That God choose to take you by the hand.
And even though that part I can not stand.
I know you’re better off in the promise land.
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© 1999 Katey Shines Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

29 Visitor Comments

Cool Poem I Put it on my web page
This poem made me remember of my bf that passed away. Ty this explained so much stuff
This poem relates to me and helped comfort me since the day Tyler Jones died Its amazing!
I loved this poem. My grandfather died a few years ago, and it seems liked my mom, my dad, my little brother, and even my grandfather's wife (my mommom) moved on. I'm still stuck in the past. I got mad at my friend once and she asked why I get so mad so easily. And for the first time, I told her how I really feel, that everyone has a way of grieving, mine just happens to be masking the pain with anger. She told me that I should move on. Not let go but move on. I told her I'll try but it just seems so hard. I miss my grandfather dearly and this year (May 26th, 2007) will be 3 years since his passing. Even though he's gone I know he'll always be in my heart. There were times when I thought that I couldn't go on, that everyone hated me. But then I think of my poppy and how dissapointed in me he'd be if I knowingly hurt myself. He's what helps me make it through each day.
I really enjoyed reading this poem. It reminded me of when I lost my 19 year old cousin who commited suicide in May. I never had a chance to say goodbye because he lived in Europe. To this day I think about him and you really helped me to deal with this loss. Thanks a lot and I know how you feel.
i think u wrote a great poem and i can feel the pain and thought u put through at this poem sometimes bad things happen to good people but we cant do anything about it we just have to let them go
thank you for writing this poem. my dad died about 2 months ago and i was a daddys girl and when ever someone says something about it i still cant believe it and i so badly dont want it to be true and i also still have my flower that i got at my dads funeral and sitting here writing this to you make me cry and i still wonder why im not moving on we were the closes people he was my best friend R. I. P Daddy from puddin
I really liked this poem. my uncle passed away 2 days ago* june 4* and it really touched my heart it was so hard for me to cry but it touched me so that i could thank you for that.
this poem has me speachless it has meaning to all of those who have lost someone dear to them no matter who it is for me i thought of my gandfather who just passed during the summer of 2005.
This is by far the best poem i have ever read. When i read this i broke down because a wonderful girl i know died just a couple of weeks ago. Our town is stil morning the loss. She was a brillant, beautiful, strong christian, and i know she is in heaven glorifying the Lord. Thank you for posting this poem it truly touched me.
tears to my eyes. Lost my partner recently and this poem is so right. I hope you continue to write.
i loved this poem when i read it, i lost a very close friend who was also a boyfriend in 2001 and i every day i still think about him, he will always be in my heart its the anniversary tomorrow (8th November) and reading this has made me think i need to do somethin extra special for him.
thank you for that my very close friend passed away a year ago of today and i didnt wanna cry but when i read this i couldnt hold back tears of truth
I liked this poem because this year in January on the 8th my uncle died.
i loved ur poem it was also sad i wish i cood some how make u feel better! i wish u cood take it in but i no u cant cuz it was hard for me with my father truth is. wen ur lyddle it hurts wen u get older but itz also goo i dont really no if it was good for u but ill be here for u even thought we dont no each other u have my supportt! i hope u r okk i wood give give u a 20 out of a 10 hope u feel better wen the day is ovr each day just remember the positive things and all the good timess u sharedd
well i would like to start off by sayin that your peom was very touching i just lost a friend about a month ago and he was the best man that i could ever remember and you peom reminded me of him and the feelin i felt when i lost him
this is a really good poem i just lost my grandmother which was my whole life she ment everything to me and she was like my hero
This is a great poem. I just lost my uncle last month. (October 16, 2004) It touched my heart deeply because i was so close to him. He was the closest to me of all my uncles. I miss him so much and it's been so hard for me to cope. Sometimes i cry and i feel like i'll never stop. Thank you for sharing your poem. You're very talented.
i sat here and thought as i read your poem,it was great and you put in words what i could not explain,about the death of few of my friends and my granparents. this poem made me cry and i think you should win. thank you and good Luck
i loved this poem because a couple of years ago my very close grandmother died and ive been looking for a poem everywhere that would remind me of her and yours hit the spot my grandmother was very special to me and i could talk to her about anything and now that shes gone its like there is an emptiness inside of me but i know i can still talk to her even if she cant reply. i never got to say goodbye but after she died a couple days later i had a dream of her saying goodbye to me and i havent had a dream about her since so thanks alot
i love this poem! i recently lost my grandmother and i am having a very hard time coping with it. this poem made me think that no matter what, my grandma will always be with me in my heart even though i can't be with her in everyday life.
i loved this poem so much that i use this poem for a speech contest at my school and this poem won. i also made many people cry. i used this poem because i've lost my mother when i was 4 this poem tells a alot. great poem.
I had a cousin to die in a car accident last year with two of his frieands. they were on there way to the beach after prom and had an accident throwing him and one of his friends from the vehicle killing him and his friend. the other boy was pinned in. a year before that he had a wreck by himself the same time as the second wreck. he walked away barely. he stayed in the hospital for 3 months. it was a sad moment in my life but now since he is gone it is much harder. this poems mean alot to me and i enjoy reading them.
I had a brother killed by robbery nine years ago. I am having this poem put in a book in memory of my brother who lost his life at the age of 34.
I've been reading a ton of poems about death lately, after the loss of a friend, but out of all the ones that i have read, yours was the most touching. this poem is a very wonderful piece of work.
I just wanted to say this is a great and emotional poem. I know how it feels to not be able to say good-bye the way you wish so badley you could. I last one of my best friends almost 5 months ago due to cancer. I still don't understand why, but I too know I must find away to go on.
It was so sad I just sat there and cried it reminded me of when my father died and itwas very very well written.
Excellent poem, really. Puts the thoughts and feelings that I feel about my grandmother into words that I could never find.
In so many ways I relate to this poem. I think it is very beautiful and definetly needs to be a winner!!!!!

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