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About the Poem

Written and Dedicated to my wonderful Mother...Doni Mae Doddridge. October 4,1929 - December 9.1998

She was not only my Mother, but also a good friend....

Missing Mamma

The sun came up this morning;
It wasn't very bright.
My dark mood casts a shadow;
It's hard to see the light.

We all have just one mother
And, now that her life on earth is done,
The emptiness and loss I feel
Make it hard to see the sun.

Tomorrow is a brand new day;
May the pain and sadness lighten.
I will remember all her love,
And then the sky will brighten.

Gone is not forgotten;
Her love reminds behind;
She's traveled in a new direction -
Love knows no space or time.

I will always love her.
She will care for me from above.
She will send me starlight and rainbows
To remind me of her love.
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© 1999 Christine McClimans Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

45 Visitor Comments

Thank you, your poem, it really meant a lot to have someone put into words what was in our hearts. Maggie Mae was my step mom, but I loved her just the same. We never had a chance to heal the rift after my dad died in 2004, maybe she forgave me, I hope so. This poem will go a little way to let her family know that I did care. Patsie
I really liked this poem, My Mother die 2 days before x-mas 2006 and we all mis her very much and this poem is how I feel. I have sent it to my sisters and brother.
That was a beautiful poem, I'm in tears.
My mother died in February, and we are burying her this Friday. I miss her so much, and I'm having a hard time getting past it. This poem just touched me. It voices not only the grief that seems to go on and on and on. but also the belief that she is still here, just differently and will always be with me. I cling to that thought. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem.
This poem is what we call facing the reality and accepting facts. As I know memories are all we have to survive each day without a loving mother. To me memories have been my only sort of medicine to heal me as time goes by.
I lost my mom on November 19, 2006, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. We buried her the day after Thanksgiving. When I read your poem, I felt like you described how I'm feeling right now. It's hard sometimes to see the light in each day, but I have to try because I have a son to look after. That's what my mom would want. Thank you so much for sharing your poem!
i was searching for poems that is some what saying how i feel! this ppoem is great! my mother just died from oding on oxycottons. i like this poem alot
I really liked this poem. To be honest I was just looking for a poem that I can use for a tribute because I couldnt find the words to express how I felt. I was just going to say I found this poem and state the authours name but now I feel more. Even though it hurts I have to move on. But thank you for writing this poem.
i wanted to say that this poem is beautiful i wanted to tell u that it made me cry when i read this because my momma that is also what i called her has passed away the day before thanksgiving and i wrote somthing simular to this so i could read it when we have her viewing on monday thanks for touching my heart hannah
I recently lost my mother who had been ill for several years. All her children called her "mamma", including my dad who also passed away recently. I only wish I could have read this beautiful poem at her memorial service. It really touched me. Thank you for sharing it.
the words are great and my mum who passed away used to call me rainbow in letters ect so it was appropriate. thank you!
I just lost my mom April 8, 06. I saw this poem in the paper the same day as moms obituary. It is so beautiful and says so much. Thank you for your talent.
I lost my mama, it will be one year ago on the 28th of March, your poem was very heart felt, I wish I had just one more chance to hold my mama and tell her I need her and that there really hasn't been a bright day in my life since she has gone.
babii e
hey i love this poem. i write poems too. well i know how u feel my mother passed away to. well if u wanna talk i think this sends the email address and maybe we can talk!
this was an awesome poem i feel it
I don't know what to say, so many words but i'm choked. I lost my Mum Febuary 10th 2004 and it still hurts so very very much. Thanx for sharing this it really means alot. Hugs Tigs xxxx
I lost my Mum on December 7th 2005. The shock was devastating but your poem was like a hand leading me away from the darkness and sadness into the light. It is beautiful and memorable and it is giving me strength to carry on. Thank you, Simon
your poem really touched my heart. I lost my mommy four years ago and i am having a hard time dealing with it. She was my best friend i miss her so much.
thank you for sharing your touching poem with everyone. your poem is truly beautiful. when i read it, it came to life! i could see the sun, i could feel my mood, the emptiness, and i also remembered tomorrow will be okay. through god's beautiful sky i can look above and feel the love of all that i miss in heaven. thank you! syndi
I searched for a poem for days to recite at my motheres graveside on the day of her unveiling. I am not good with words and needed help to express my loss and love for my mother. This poem was perfect.
I lost my Mum suddenly last week, two years after surviving lung cancer. I feel so cheated and tommorow I will stand at her funeral and read your poem, hope you dont mind ,I've written down so many words but know that I will never get through it. Your poem is beautiful.
well said,very true and to the point.
i love this poem. it is beautiful
That was an awesome poem. I lost my mom February 2000, she died of cancer. Even after all these years I can still feel the pain. I was very close to my mother and her pain has gone away but mine never will
very nice poem Corcy it touches my heart!
Corky,This is a Beautiful and Touching poem. I cried,I lost my mother many many years ago. Back in 1972,When i was 10 years old. Your poem said,What i have felt inside from the loss of my mother. Thank you
Thank you, i lost my mum on christmas day 2004, she had been ill for same time, i would like to read this poem, when we lay her to rest, when i read your poem, all i could do was cry, thank you for shareing it with us all,
Your poem really touched my heart. I lost my mamma this past December on the 17th. Losing your mother is the hardest thing to do but, with the help of God I've learned to accept it. I know that I will meet her in heaven some sweet day, and you will also meet yours there too. God bless you for such a wonderful poem.
I really felt the words of your poem. It touched my heart like no other. I lost my mother this year and I am really young. I have 2 younger brothers and it's really hard for us not having our mother around. It is also nice to know that there are other people out there who are feeling the same way we feel then we know that we are not alone. Thank you for the touching poem and please keep up the excellent work.
You have a beautiful talent,and i have choosen this poem to be read at the funeral, I hope through this you find it a comfort that your words that were written for your loved one go on and bring comfort to others thankyou for sharing your talent, to put thoughts and emotion into words x
My mom passed away June 18th 2004. She has only been gone for almost two months. This poem really touched me so much. Everyone keeps saying the pain will ease,but with each passing day, I find myself missing her more and more. Thanks for the poem, it was very good.
this is a very touching poem, i lost my mom thes pass january 14-2004 to cancer and its hard for me to go on. She was my mom, freind ,everything. life just not the same. how do we go on. thanks for this poem
I lost my wife to cancer in 1998 when she was only 33. last week my children's school teacher asked them to write a poem about mother's day and when i was going through the net , i found your poem n i cried and my heart ached to realose that my children have been missing a lady figure " a mother" in their lives. they were only 2 and 4 yrs old when thier mother died. thank GOD i still have a mother and pray to GOd that she lives another 100 yrs bye siva from malaysia
hey i love this poem it really touched me, i'm 16 and i lost my mom april 20,2000 and i know how it feels
Thank you so much for your poem, it managed to say everthing I am feeling,I lost my Mum last week (27/01/04). I hope you don't mind, but I will recite this poem at her funeral.
I know how you feel mine died last week.
I lost my mom two years ago. I love your poem,verry touching.
I just wanted to tell you that I loved your poem. It was very touching. I just recently lost my mom and I am having a really hard time dealing with it. I hope you are ok with everything. May god be with you!
I love your poem. When I first read it i cried. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. If I ever have to I will think of this poem.
Your poem is very touching, it has brought tears to my eyes. Always remember the love that the two of you shared. And thanks for shareing it with the world. God Bless.
This is the nicest poem i've read, reagarding the death of a Mother, I lost mine 3 years ago next week, I was only 22 at the time, and she was also my best friend.
Your poem is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing it. I lost my mom in 1997 and I can really relate. Thanks again.
It is a very tochy poem.

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