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About the Poem

I wrote this poem shortly after my Dad passed away. At his funeral the Pastor asked to think about the last 10 years of your life. It flew by like a "snap." In the average lifetime we get 8 snaps, 9 if you're lucky.

Phillip Lee Scott only had five. My Father's passing, is really the first death I've had to deal with. It has been extremely had for me. I wish it wasn't true. I miss him so very much. This poem just touches the surface of my feelings.

I wish I could open up the heavens and give my Dad a hug. Or even just hear his laugh just one more time. I love you Dad.

Lost In My Thoughts

Lost in my thoughts
With you on my mind
Seeing you there, all out of time.

Five snaps, all that you had
Now your gone, no more Dad.

October 22, the phone, the news
How I wish it wasn't true.

Seeing you there, laying on the floor
Tears pouring down as I walked through the door
My Dad, this isn't true, it can't be real
Your pain has stopped, now it's my turn to feel.

Hurt, anger, I can't get it straight
Your birthday came three months too late.

I had my time in your room that day
Holding your hand, but no words to say
Trying to believe what had happened was true
Not wanting to Dad, just wanting you.

Still I try to understand
Why this happened to you Dad.

How do I get through my own inner pain
Thinking of you, am I going insane
I just can't get you out of my mind
Is this supposed to get easier with time?

I love you, I miss you, I wish you were here
Standing at your grave was my biggest fear
Out in the cold looking down
How could my Daddy be in the ground?

How can it be, why is this true?
Oh God, oh Dad, I just miss you.
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© 1999 Amy Richards Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

43 Visitor Comments

hey look this poem touched me so bad i started crying i lost my dad bt not in death he left 4 13 yrs an suddenly came bk an wanted to be in my life an it hurt coz i dnt even know him i dnt even know wen his birthday is well this poem is lovely
I can really relate what you are going through it feel like it my life in and out. My father had past, on his own terms he would probably say on October 9th and his b-day was in January, right after mine. I still feel like it was just yesterday. So thank you for putting your story out there for me to read.
I liked your poem alot. It really touched me and I was wondering if you could write one about a girl named Kaylee losing her dad to restless drunk driving and e-mail it to me. You write great poems
Hey! My Dad died suddenly 3 and a half months ago of heart disease. Reading this poem is exactly what happened to me! Reading this poem felt as if i was going through that day all over again! I never realised losing someone that close to me, would turn my life into utter shambles! Somedays i just wish that it cud av been someone else, im sure uv all felt the same! I never done much things with my dad! My mother n father split up just before christmas, and that was the closest we had ever been!I had to go through xmas and new years with no parents together, but this year and years to come, i'll never have my father close to me! I miss him so much!I didn't realise how much i took things for granted! And to all those people who tell their parents the hate them in anger! DONT! Ur parents are the mos important human beings in your entire life! I also lost my 3month year old brother at the age of 3, i remember every detail. This poem just cant describe how i feel!
This poem touched me, my dad just passed on October 3rd. And just reading it remains me of the day my dad died :(. This was a very good poem. My dad was only 48 when he passed he has lung cancer, and I am only 17 so it is really hard for me to get by it all. But I try every day to.
Hey I just want to say that I loved ur poem a lot. I understand every single word u say cuz same here I lost my dad too. Nice poem!
I understand my fathered was killed not yet a year ago. I miss him some much. I didn't believe it neither.
thank you fo writing this peom, it is wonderful i lost my dad 2 months ago and he was my best friend and when i found out i was so mad that he left me here but at the same time i was really everynight i dream of his funeral and the last time a saw him. and i always wake up in tears. i know what you are going through and when my dad died i hated it when people told me that they knew what i was going throught but it is different for everyone. so i kinda know what you are going through thank you again for writing such a good peom. ox katie ox
ohh hunnie this poem touched me lot's. recently mi freind lost her dad. hun its the best poem i have herd :( x x x
i rilley like this poem it touched me inside
i just want to say that the poem is nice you know even thought my dad is here but i don't know if i will have him around for along time you know but i was just looking for a poem to give it ti him
I really liked your poem it is hard to think about a lost of a love one the people that have not lost that person yet dont know how hard it is to feel this much pain. I do know i just lost my dad a year ago.
This is an awesome poem and it really touched me. I lost my dad over 8 years ago and it still hurts. Thanks.
Your poem made me cry and reminded me of something that has happend to me. I hope you can get through it all. And i'll be thinking of you! I'll pray for you and your family. Love, Kelsey
hey this is Laura, this a the most beautiful poem i have ever herd in my hole 13 years of living. my dad died its so hard. i no how u feel. make him proud of u he is your gareden angel. im sure he is evey proud of you u are an amazing writer im in tears. i wish my best friend(my dad)was still here. keep up the good work write back love and symothy LAURA xoxo
I lost my mother 24 years ago now. I can't believe it's been that long. I can still hear her laugh sometimes, the way she'd snort if she laughed too hard. Then she'd laugh about that. She only lived to be 39. Not even four snaps. Very heartfelt poem, thank you for sharing it.
I really liked your poem. My Dad passed away 5 years ago 23 March 2000. It dosent get easier does it. In fact time makes it worse. Not a day goes by when i havent thought about him at least 5 times a day if not more. I missed his passing but was there half hour after. I could not stop kissing him, touching him. My tears fell on his eyes. I was hoping he would awake. I can really associate with your poem. Well done. x
I really liked this poem a lot and i can relate to it, it has been 2 years since my dad was killed in a motorcycle accident and i am still grieving and i don't know if i'll ever be able to stop. This poem really touched my heart.
This poem was. i can say really it touched me, i know how u feel im lossing my dad infrount of my eyes he just wont take that within him self.
even though my dad is still here with me, was looking for a poem about my nan and came accross this 1 and tears came to my eyes. love this poem so much unreal work, thank you 4 sharing it with us
Im very sorry to hear of the passing of your dad ur poem is soo nice i love it this is how i feel it made me cryy so much i lost my dad 3 years ago and it still feels like it happend today the pain is still unbearable. i know your sick of the riality but hunny u gutta except it i noe its very hard u gotta be strong upseting ur self is not gonna bring him bakat least u have ur mum to wipe away all of ur tears hunny u cant stop god from doing soemthing hope ur dad is in a betta place
Thank you for your words. I feel as they are my thoughts.
beautiful images. the snap reference was unique and it was good you explained the idea in the intro. I just lost my Dad- he had over 8 snaps and it was still too soon. Bless you for such a view of loss so identifiable to me, and others to be sure.
This poem touched me a way alot dont! My best friends brother . so my brother died 1 month ago yesterday and I still think about him day and night and all i can try 2 do is tell you its gonna be hard but you gotta stay strong for those you love! Your mom is probably goin crazy! . Im sorry to hear about your dad and i no we dont no eachother but im here 4 u cuz i no when my brother died i wanted every 1 i new or ever talked to to be there! and they were and it helps alot! People to this day still call me up like how are you . are you ok n stuff and its just nice to no you have people there for you! .
I think the poem was so great and I couldn't believe how true it was and when my dad died of leukemia four years ago, I couldn't bieleve it and I didn't want to either. and it feels like yesterday that he died. Your poem made me burst into tears practically when I read it b-cuz it is so true! love ya. and take care. p. s. I am really sorry about your dad!
OH MY GOSH! This poem is just the best. It tells so much pain, but at the same time it is so much comfurt. I just want you to know that I truley love this peom. I got goose bumps reading it. Thank you for lettin me see this poem and reading it!
i ave never been so affected about a poem like this it reallt got to me i love the way your words flowed everthing you said was so true
you just summed up everything that i felt when i found my dad. When i lost my dad my world ended. I'm so sorry.
omg i love it it touched me and made me cry so hard i cant see what im typing right now i love u take care
this is such a good poem. i startes to cry when i finished reading it. i lost my dad too.
hi this is a great poem you must have loved your dad im sorry you lost him well i g2g but great poem!
Your poem was really great and it really touched me. I'm very sad that you lost your dad. I don't know how it feels, but I know it would be hard to live without my dad, too. I'm very very sorry for you, and that was a sweet poem.
This is a great poem that I've read Today it really touched my heart when i first heard the song because it is TRUE! i lost my father Nov 21,02 and it really hit me very hard i could'nt take the pain i felt inside my heart. and my adivce to people would be to cherish every moment that you have with your family and friends, always remember to forgive and forget, never hold gruges .
This is a great poem, exactly what I'd love to be able to write. It says everything i feel,I also lost my father 16 years ago. There is not a day goes by that i dont think of him and wonder why, he was only 49 years old. I miss him. Time doesnt heal it only dries of the everyday tears. This poem brought out those tears,I've cried for the last 2 hours.
Ur poem touched me in a way i never thought possible. I lost my dad just 7 months ago today, and the pain is still unbearable. I never thought anyone could ever feel the same pain and emptiness in their hearts as i do in mine. Your poem really hit the spot for me. It was like i was reliving the whole experience. I am very sorry to hear of the passing of your dad, and know that there are other people out there who have been in similiar situations. I know how hard it is to wake up each morning and realise that your dads not there and never will be. I am only 18 years of age and lost my dad at the age of 44. He was way to young to die and it was so unexpected and i think thats what hurts the most. I dread the future when i will finally get married and have kids and they will never knew their grandfather, nor will i ever have my dad to walk me down the isle. Just know that there are others out there who know your pain. Mel
This is so much the way I feel. I lost my father on 3-20-99, Just two years ago froma Heart Transplant. he was and still is My Hero. I cry everyday because I miss his so much. I will never get over the pain. Who ever says it will get easier has never lost a loved one like my dad, my hero
ur poem made me cry, i thought it was extreemly sad as i am burrying my dad on tuesday i feel ur pain and i just want 2 say stay strong and u'll get through it
i love your poem, my dad passed away it will be one year febuary 16 -2002
I feel very much for you, I don't exactly know how it feels to feel so strongly for your father, but I do know how it feels to miss him so much. I lost my dad when I was 7, I didn't get to go to his funeral because I was in the hospital, but This poem, really made me cry, something I haven't done in awhile for him. Thanks, you really released that pinned up emotion and desire to have my dad.
This poem was sooooo sad I cried!I too lost my Daddy about 2 year ago. It has been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. There are times when I feel I can go on. I am glad I found this poem on the internet it give me some comfort. Nice poem Amy! God bless us all!
this brought tears to my eyes, because i dont know what i'd do if i lost my dad.
I can really relate to this peom because I lost my dad 11 years ago and I though I was the only one out there to lose my dad. But I know I am not.
A poem written from fresh, raw emotions!

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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