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About the Poem

This poem is about a mother's feeling's on the anniversary of the death of her stillborn child.

Perfect Even In Death

No one remembers,
I cannot say why
Only thing I keep thinking
Is that nobody tried

You were mine, only mine
No one knew you like me
I don't know why He couldn't
Just let you be

We shared so much
In our short time together,
And the time that we shared
Has made memories forever

So much I learned,
So much I lost -
Everything turned, toppled
And tossed

Butterfly flutters, then turns
And kicks . . .
Then, that sad day . . .
Was my mind playing tricks?

No cry, no movement,
not even a Breath . . .
As you lay on my tummy -
Perfect even in death

When I think of you now
At the age you would be,
A beautiful "big boy"
Is the child I see

My son you were,
My son you'll always be
And One -
That is us;
You and Me
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© 1999 Lil' Red Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

56 Visitor Comments

I really understand. My niece was 36 weeks and she just lost her 1st. He pastaway before anyone could even hold him or even talk to him to tell him we Love him so much. I really do not know how we will get through this. God bless him and all the babies who have the same faith, and to all you mothers out there who have to go though this, it is not fair.
your words r just perfect. i just lost my baby girl. i was 5 months pregnant. it was just yesterday 8/31/07. my life is turned upside down. i had a complicated pregnancy since day 1. the doctors told me my baby wasnt going to make pass 4 weeks but she did. everything got better. she was healthy, she had a strong heart beat, she was movin and kicking me. then last night out of no where she was gone. my soul is crying out.
i had a stillborn baby on saterday, those words just summed up everything.
This is a beautiful poem. It is what I feel when people don't remember or even refer to my precious baby boy who was still born. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful and truthful poem!
i love this poem. my sister just had a stillborn baby Whom was a jr. And i seriously dont know how she got through this. she is so strong i could never of done this and come out the way she did.
i really love your poem it brought tears to my eyes i would love to know how did you cope my little boy was born still born eleven days ago and its seems as if life has just stopped for me.
thats sad sweetie i'm so sorry bout your lost my best friend baby boy just passed away he was three months old.
my cousins baby passed away today and i was looking for away to help her express how she feels and i came across this beautiful poem i think it sums up just how she feels im sure this will be of comfort to her during these dark times thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with us
it is very sad poem
I just lost a still-born neice and this poem has touched me deeply. I appreciate that you have shared this and I wish you faith, hope, and love.
i absolutely cherish this poem. it really touched my heart so much because the same happened to me and it was a boy a very innocent little boy who i never got to see. thank you so much!
that poem was touching. my cousin has tryed and tryed to have babies, but she always winds up losing them. she's lost seven or eight so far. but right now she's bben pregnant for 4 months, i hope she can keep it.
Thank you
i really loved this poem. i had a son and he passed just after birth it made me think of him. he would have been six this year. beautiful!
Great poem! I understand every single line of it. I just lost my daughter Aug. 15th 2006. She was stillborn. Great job on the poem. it definately touched my heart cause it made me cry.
This poem really touched me. I just lost my first born a little boy. I was 7 months pregnant and hadnt had any problems. It reminds of how I felt that dreadful day of June 1, 2006 when I found out and about June 6, 2006 when I had my little boy. Its been really hard for me to accept his death, but reading about babies being in heaven and remembering the time I did have with him in my tummy really helps. Thank you for your poem.
i would give it a 4/5! i really like it!
I liked it so much it really did touch my heart because a year ago i lost my nephew due to a heart disease. I loved him very much he was only 4 days old when he passed. and in my arms he went i was only 15.
it was exactly the way i feel today its been 14 months since my son died and god u got it on the spot words can not explain how we feel but that just put everything to the light lovely poem i really likes it and also made me cry i'm opening a web page and its about parenst thats suffered the loss of a child and if u dont mind me pasting this poem i would really apreciate it it will also have your name on the poem exactly how its typed up on here thank you very much jesica lara trognot
my name is casi and i'm 18 i just had a baby boy october 15 2005 and he was a big beautiful baby. but i lost my baby due to the doctor's and everybit of this poem is true i was past my due date and they would not take me in.
This poem touched me. When I was 16 I gave birth to a stillborn baby boy. Although I was young it made a huge impact on my life. It also became a subject that my family isn't willing to discuss. It's as though I am the only one who remembers.
My niece was just born still, last night and your poem touched my heart. God Bless you.
I was touched by this poem, when my lil sister was still born, she was devastated. I am so sorry 4 your loss
Thank you so much for such a wonderful poem. It truly touched me. I lost my baby boy to still birth 5 years ago and I still ache for him every day. It's nice to know that I'm not alone.
hiya my step mum lost her baby girl 9 years ago and she says that if still feels like yesterday tha she lost her little princess, she also says the pain neva goes away it just gets easier to hide. She now has 2 little boys who are gorgeous bt she can neva 4get her little princess! so i understand hw hard it is for u 2 4get ur baby boy xxx
Thank you for this. I am eighteen years old and struggled with the fact that I was pregnant and alone. A week after I had my ultrasound and heard his heartbeat for the first time, he died. . .
i think that poem was just wonderful. i have not personaly lost a baby of my own. i am only 14 years old. but a couple months ago i lost my cousin to. he was also stillborn.since that day i have not been the same. i love and miss him so very much. thank you for writing this peom. its very heartwarming.
I understand your pain, I had a still born daughter. My prayers are with you.
Look i love this poem cuz it reminds it of me the lost i had it was stuff my son will be 1 year in a half in i do miss him with all my heart!
I became very emotional while i read this poem. I feel that we a connection because my cousin died a few years ago. I think you are an amazing writer. Keep up the good work! Lindsey*
this poem touched me deeply, as I also have lost a son to a still birth. you will never know how much I love this poem. I think this should be one of the top 100.
This poem touched my heart. My boyfriend and I recently lost our first born child, my beautiful son during my 23rd week of pregnancy. When I held him so silent in my arms I knew the pain will be there forever, but knowing other people understand that pain eases it a little. He was so beautiful and it is hard to belive this inside that beautiful little body he was so poorly. The funeral is next week and I am so scared but I have a wonderful boyfriend who will be by my side. I know our love for each other will get us through this terrible time. God Bless you
I have lost a child and feel that I can relate to this poem. I felt him wiggle and tumble in me and it is something i can never forget. Everyday feels like hell without him. All the efforts to have him safe and healthy in my womb and for nothing, but hurtful memories.
I thought this poem was just beautiful--I am a mother of a stillborn son. and your words were just so perfect. thank you for sharing them.
That was a beatuful poem. I know I haven't gone through the loss of a child, I'm only 17, but on Dec. 27 03, my sister who was 8 1/2 months pregnant was in the car with me when the car flipped 6 times. She was killed instantly, but my niece,who my brother in law named after my sister,Ashley Nicole, lived only for a short while. I can't wait to see her again.
I lost my son last fall when he was born at 17 weeks. He was perfect. I thank you so much for this poem that expresses the feelings of the mother.
Your poem was really touchin, I lost my baby girl on 26-11-03 she was only 16 weeks and i didn't know i was goin to have a baby. I am still taking to take it all in I want to cry but i can't that might sound bad, but i'm only 18 and my daughter would have been the best thing to happen to our family in a long time. I dont know what happened but i don't know why such a pesious person got taken away. We will never forget her and will love her forever.
it has been 21 years since i lost my baby girl and still the pain feels like just yesterday. i miss all the memories and mile stones we should have had.
I have also lost a baby by stillbirth and i think that the poem was lovely.
This poem was really touching- I lost my baby girl in Nov 00- at 32 weeks . I feel your pain and know how heartbroken you are- God Bless You always
Your poem really touched like nothing else has been able to. Being a expecting teen mother was hard, but there is nothing as hard as the day you hear silence where there should be your childs cry.
What a beautiful poem. I am still getting over the loss of my little boy. He was 20 wks when he was born. I will never forget his beautiful face. Your poem made me realise that I am not alone and that the pain I am feeling has been experienced by others. Thank you for such a lovely way to remember my little boy.
You have touched my heart. I had a stillborn little girl on 21st January 1997 on our wedding anniversary. After 3 sons we finally had our beautiful daughter only for a short time. I love and cherish every moment I had with her in me. Even after 2 more sons my pain is extreme. I loved your poem and one day I truly believe we will be reunited with all our ANGELS.
I am so sorry to hear. I too lost a child, a daugther who was also a stillborn. She was perfect and still is in death. I will never forget her and she is always missed. It has been a year and two weeks since she left my arms. Her name is Baby Jasmine Nicole. All I can say to comfort you is one day we will be with our babies and thats when our tears turn to joy.
i really loved you poem it really touched my heart. My sister-in-law went trought the same thing that you went trought she had a miscarriage. She was 5 months when she lost her boy, she named him Angel. We still have him in mind and i know what your going through. Im 13 and i even know what it fells like going to a funeral of a loved one my sister has a baby girl know she is 1year and 2 months im really sorry for your lost one. Thanks for making this lovely poem of your son. I would love to hear more of your poems
very touching...tugs at your heartstrings
i lost my nephew, the child i raised from birth till he past away from cancer at the age of 3. it will be one year on 9-10-00. i miss him so much. this poem helped me put my feelings into words, love hurts.
i just lost my son a little over 2 months ago. i was six months pregnant. i know exactly how this woman feels. this poem to your child is beautiful. i cried when i read it. just remember that your little angel is watching over you.
i have experienced the same and this is a very truthful and ouching poem.
I lost a baby to miscarriage and was looking for a certain poem for her webpage. I found this poem and it spoke of so many feelings I have. It is a beautiful tribute to your Precious Angel
This was a very amzingly written poem. This women put a lot of her feelings and emotions into this poem and it made me cry. I am only at the age of 14 and I could still fell the pain of this women.
we lost a daughter before birth but my wife had to go through the birth because of the length of pregnancy.this poem hits a nerve with us and we will adapt it because of the sex difference and have it read at her funeral
I went through the same tragic story after trying for 6 years.This poem is just beautiful and I now have a beautiful baby girl.
This poem brought tears to my eyes because I experienced the same thing, this poem tells my story to a T, and I can feel the exact pain

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