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About the Poem

This poem is about a girl wanting nothing more than to just escape from life


She looked down from the mountaintop
Wanting desperately to leap off..
Wanting to fly..
To spread her arms and just fall.

Not a care in the world.
Not a soul to care for..
No one to care for her..
No one left to understand her..
No one to listen to her pleas..

Pleas of sorrow, Pleas of pain..
Head hurting so bad..
Eyes swollen shut..
Not a tear left in her to shed.

Free....She will be free
Fly away little girl..

And be free.
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© 1999 Lori Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

36 Visitor Comments

Omg this poem is briliant i love it so much aye lolz i write poems liekt his but the woudl never be as good as yours lolz mine are thigns that i just write and through away because to em they are crap but yours are awesome lolz and i hoep to god oyu write more of them just as good
this poem makes me cry i wish i could fly and be free but in a way im lost from it really touched my heart and in a way it gives me some kind of hope thank you agian
i think im thinking of it in a different way. but i like it. very good
wow that was so moving
this hites the spot i love this one specink i tried it all and stell try i hate this felling love it alot
i kno wat it feels like cuz by me reading all theses poems and this one too lets me kno i'm not alone
wow this poem touched me so much that i cant even explain it. i always feel that way like i want 2 fly. fly far far away from is place and just give up! and this poem is great
Oh how I wish you could just spread your wings and fly Lori. It would bring so much hope to those who have none.
i get that
i liked it. it kinda sounds like a few of my poems. its toughing and true.
Wah buddy. I loved this poem soo much. I have the same name as you which is pretty cool, I feel so proud since you are by far the best poet ever! I could totally relate to that poem. All I want to do is escape from my world and just fly away to a better place, with better people and better choices and decisions. Keep it up Lori! You have a good talent if you ask me and anyone else who wrote a comment about your poem! x0x
it was nice
this poem is a very good one and i like it
sometimes i want to fly and find i can't. i have to keep waking up each morning and always wish that i could just fall, escape, not have to care anymore. or that someone somewhere could hear what i hear and listen to my pleas.
Those last 3 lines hit me like a freight train. I couldn't stop sobbing and I still have tears on my face now.
this poem is really well writen. it makes me think about so many things. so many emotions, so many aspects of life and death in a few lines!
Your poem is worded so well. I can totally relate. Thank-you for writing.
i'm that little girl. I need to fly away and be free. wonderful job lori. every word you wrote in that poem is what I feel! thanks! i needed to read that poem.
that's such a deep poem. I'm that little girl who want s to fly away. since the day I became a teenager, i've wanted to become a bird and fly away forever!
It was i realli good poem it's funni how some one yu dunt kno can understand yu
this poem is awosme i can relate totally, sept the fact that she`s a chicj and im a dude,,, ur an awsome poet lori keep it up
Excellent work.
like a mirror image what more can i say
OMG! I luv this poem! Im going to use it for a song for my band! I contacted some other authors aobut using their poems for my and, but I had trouble contacting you! If you will, please let me use this poem! No one has contacted me yet. well atleast im not sure, cuz my emial is messed up, but i'll gpo to teh library and check it on the net their whenever I can~!
I love your poem it truly touched me. lol Sounds stupid but it did. Could you write another? It's awesome
hehe we have the same name. but anywho thats not why im here. your poem is sooo good! i loved it so much! i can relate to it. and it made me feel different inside. i loved it. ok well i just wanted to say its an awesome poem and keep up the wonderful work. and just keep your head but because you cant do anything else. then that
this is a nice poem it just hits u
Wow it's amazing!
I feel exactly like this, and I'm glad to find someone who feels the same way.
1 simple word..beautiful
Girl I loved your poem! Keep up the good work Peace love and chicken grease
i love yourpoem. i've been working on a ceramics project for 3 months. it has a flying dead faerie holding a tear drop and flying in the rain. the peice's theme is supposed to be suicide. i've been looking for a poem to put on it for a while, and this is the perfect poem. it's so beautiful and simple.
let your spirit fly
I loved this poem. lori captured it like it really is. and how it really feels. I wish i had a mountain
Death to set you free, to fly. I understand
i loved it

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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