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About the Poem

I wrote this poem as a tribute for my mother, My parents divorced when I was little and my mother raised me. She worked hard to make sure I had all my needs met. I'm sure sometimes it seemed to be a thankless job, and I don't know if I have ever really told her how much her sacrifices have meant to me. Her strong spirit has molded me into the woman I am today. This poem is for you mom, if I have told you, I'm sure it Hasn't been enough Thank you for being my mom. This poem is for anyone who would like to honor their mother.

A Tribute To Mother

God Gave Me An Angel

God gave me an angel right here on earth,
She taught me my values and gave me self worth,
She guides me through life with her wisdom, God's light,
She steers me from wrong, and leads me toward right.

She stands by my side when things are rough,
She taught me in bad times we need to be tough.
She is there when I need her throughout all my years,
She laughed with me in happy times, and comforted my tears.

My angel on earth was sent from above,
God paid her not in wages, but with eternal love.
She has been my confidante, my rock, my protector,
And when God says her job is through, I know I won't forget her.

She need not a halo, or silken wings of grace,
For the glory of God's love shines upon her face.
My Guardian angel, can be replaced by no other,
She is gods gift to me - I call her my dear mother.
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© 1999 Lisa Teller Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

41 Visitor Comments

BEAUTIFUL! If I could write those are the words I would like to write.
This was very sweet and really touched my heart. I lost my mother 9 years ago this year and your words were as if you were speaking for me to her. Thank you, I will pass this on to my sister's and brother.
Your poem touched my heart and made me cry. I loved it!
Such a great poem. My mom is deaf and When I came across this poem, I momorized it for her in sign language and she was so happy. thank you for writing such a beautiful poem.
that was a nice poem,i really was touched by the methophors u used in it.
Thank you so much for the poem. It is so lovely. It was so meaningful that I plan to read it for a dearly departed love one.
Excellent, from my heart!
i am an 18 your old female who has taken my mother for granted way to many times. when i read this pome it made me relize how much my mother has been here for me. tomorow is her birthday and i have never really shared it with her. but after reading this poem i will spend tomorow with her. thank you. Nikita
This poem was very touching. I'm going to give it to my mom for Christmas since I can't wait until Mother's Day ^_^.
it touch my heart when i read this poem
luv the poem, I luv my mom the same way, thak u god for giving me a wonderful mom!
i would kindly like to express thanks for your poem. i have seen lots of them but i chosed your poem cause it carrys the message that mothers sometimes need to feel appreciated too. even at 34 years old i sometimes take my mom for granted. i don't mean to. i spent the last so many hours crying and worrying about my mom pasting away. cause she has emphysemia of the lungs. i wanted to find a poem to express to my mom how much i truely care and how greatful i am to her. if not for her. i may never fall in love again. i don't know if i will. but if i do fall deeply in love. everything i owe to my mother who is selfish and would do without so i can be happy. thanks mom. i truely am greatful. your the tops. !
I Love this poem. i have been searching for months for the perfect gift for my mom on her b-day and came across this poem and have decided to tattoo this poem(only with the authors consent) across my heart and let my mother read it aloud on her birthday. this poem is definitly the only poem that should be for people that adore their mothers the way the author does hers.
Absolutely beautiful, your words really touched my heart.
This poem is awesome. I have been looking for a poem that shows my exact feelings for my mother and this is it! To whoever wrote this, continue to use your talent, God will use you in awesome ways!
It is my mother's 90th birthday soon and I was looking for a poem to read her at her party. Trouble is how do I read this without crying? It is lovely!
Thank you for writing this poem. It touched my heart!
I have read alot of poems about mothers and your poem said it perfect.
This is a beautiful poem. It really showed the mother's love. I loved it, it was so great! Keep up the good work.
i was browsing around netpoets to find a nice poem that i wanted to give my mother for christmas..and when i read your poem i fell in love with it right from the start..i now know the perfect peom to give to her..and i thank you for it.
this is a very beautiful poem...
This poem is one of the most beautiful I have ever had the privelege to experience. I say experience because it brought back how important our mothers are. We tend to take them for granted. I cried when I read this because it just hit the spot so much I had to go and call my own mother to tell her how much I love her.
Truly inspiring!
absolutely lovely
I read this poem and instantly loved it. It truely expresses how I think of my mother. It is a wonderful poem. Great Job!!!
This is a very nice poem and very well written. It says everything one would ever want to say to mother in a beautiful arrangement of words. I plan to share this poem with my mother on Mother's Day. It's absolutely beautiful!
This poem is one of the most heartfelt poems i have ever read. Keep up the good work and send me some more. I would love to read more of your poems.
I had cancer, and God gave me a Angel, my mom. This is a GREAT poem for a mom sent from above.
I like this poem because my mum is my angel and i had forgoten it for a very long time. No more, for i will show her the respect she deserves.
Your poem hit my heart the hardest...My father has become ill over the last seven months, and her strength has been unbelievable! My Mom is the greatest..and with her birthday coming up this week, I will be including this poem with her card!!!!
This is a very beautiful poem, so expressive of what a mother really is! I hope you continue to write more poems.
Id just like to say this is an incredible poem with a lot of meaning. You're a genius for writing this...I love it..Thanks..
truely a very touching poem i loved it
Having lost my mother in April of 1997, I found this poem to discribe her love and the love for me her child. She taught me how to love, and I try to follow her example in being a mother to my son.
This Poem really touch my heart,since my Mom pass away in '94 she was a great inspiration and I know she is up there with God preparing our place with her. Thank-you for bringing joy into my heart. God Bless you.
This poem really express what a mother is. I loved it.
This poem is a great tribute to mothers everywhere. Keep up the good work and God Bless!
This was a great poem. Keep up the good work.

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