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About the Poem

I wrote this poem about my father, whom left my mother almost two years ago. They were married for 24 years.


I remember his hands hard as steel,
But never was I without a meal.
He was with me throughout my childhood,
His love was unconditional, and he always understood.

A strong love I thought we did share,
But why did he leave without a care?
When he left, I was devastated,,
And a lot of times quite aggravated.

My father gave up everything he had,
Sometimes I think he must have gone mad.
This all from a wonderful man,
In my heart I just don't understand.
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© 1999 Mindy Carpenter Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

25 Visitor Comments

heyy i love the poem it reminds me of my dad alot. umm we have the same last name. i dont no if we are related though. i live in alabama my name is katlyn carpenter. mabe we are related
Hello i do not no how to start off well any ways my name is alex and i thought you actually did pretty good that was the same thing that actually happened to me too . well i have to go you did a pretty good job and keep it up
This poem touched me because my 5 year son and I were left by his dad 21 years ago. It was a devasting time and we both didn't understand "why?" or what we had done to make him stop caring. Every night I prayed over my son, Lord please don't let him become an angry, bitter statistic of divorice. Lord, let him grow up to be a good productive man with a wife that loves him with all her heart and children that will share in their joy and love, Amen. Today, my son is 26 yrs old and has exactly what I asked God for. How beautiful that Mindy can be productive and effective with a gift that God has given her. Keep up the good work Mindy. Remember, that everything that you are today, is a result of everything you've been through. Embrace your calling to minister through your poetry. God Bless You sweetie.
the same situtation happened to me over 20 years ago and until reading this poem i never thought that anyone had ever been through such a thing. i love my father with all my heart and i always knew that he loved me but he left me with a broken heart.
I really like your poem, keep writing!
wow that was deep although it was very good keep up the good work
this is a great poem as well! what I like about these poems that Mindy carpententer writes is that they actually make sense! some poems just don't flat out make any sense!
Hi, I enjoyed reading your peom because my father left when I was too young to remember, however, I never understood why he never called or came around, there was never food on the table from him nor his sent was left unfound. Your poem lets me see that I can too let go of the hurt that he has caused because in the end will he ever be found?
rhames michael
youre poem is very good keep up the good work guys
i vote 4 u! my parents r splitin up!but b4 that happened my dad left n came bak 6 months later! y? i wonder maybey he met sum 1!but ur poem meenz alot!keep writin bout this shyt !its real gud!
Thank you so much for your poem. My dad left my mom and me when I was 5, this poem was amazing.
I really liked how the poet wrote the poem . It made my father just come into my mind cause me also just like many people had a father that chose to give up on his children.
i loved your poem its exactly what happened to me and my dad and im gonna send him a copy right now. "Hey we have the same name i just noticed that"
mary ann
I really really like thie poem but make me sad in the same time. my dad left us about 12 years ago, he have a new family now. i have 10 more sibling and im 35 and im the oldest imagine how old my other sibling when he left and its a big diffirent too when they live in the philippines we dont have anything there it is hard to live without support of you dad. but anyway we learn to forgive but its hard to forget what he done.
my dad left us n i still dont understand why. i really like yr poem.
i dont really know what it feels like to loose a dad that just walked out on you but just reading this poem makes me really sad because i cant imagine my dad leaving me. If he did i know i would be heart broken.
I really liked this poem. It touched my heart so much! my aunt and uncle are going through some hard times right now . thank you so much.
The same thing happened to us, only it was my Mother who left. It was as though Aliens took over her mind. Good Poem.
I love this poem! My parents spilt up after 26 years of marriage. This really touched my heart and it also brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.
I really liked this poem because my dad left my mother after being married for 15 years
i think that your poem was a wonderful one. They say that a poem opens up memmories and allows you to feel what the poet feels. i didn't go through the same experience you did, but I can feel your pain and everything else in this poem.
No one ever knows the real reason why one leaves. The truth of the matter is parents never stop loving thier children, they just fall out of love with each other. Don't waste time, love them both as unique individuals. For it was these same two individuals that produced you. (a poet)
This poem really made me think. My parents split up too and My Dad was the one that left.
The worst thing about losing a loved one is not knowing why it had to be them. I think yiu expressed this brilliantly.

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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