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About the Poem

Threat is all about those things that stand in the way of friendships. In this case a strong spiritual connection is "Tested" by something glorious (the sun).


What will it take to stand the test of time?
I know the hands are always spinning.
When I was young there were so many friends,
but now it seems the numbers keep on thinning.

What new sun will rise?
What new light will blind our mortal eyes?
What new threat will fight our lives?
What will threaten us in time?

What is that, I cannot see?
You are standing beside me.
When the sun comes to rise,
Will you run to reach the other side?

I hold what I feel deep inside,
You will never know the passion in my eyes.
The Sun, the sun holds your interest,
I will die waiting for you to know.

You wait with patience for the sun to rise,
wonder if I’ll stay right by your side.
Your fears are something you hold deep inside,
know it is you, the moon, that turns the tide.

The feelings in my soul are strong,
but you fear the pain that may be near.
Run, run away from the chance,
I should have seen you weren’t meant to be here.

Suns will set and suns will rise,
but you are forever in my eyes.
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© 1999 Edward Racey & Phoebe Moon Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

2 Visitor Comments

It transcends beyond ordinary poetry. Very nice
I loved this poem, it made me teary eyed. I am on quest to find that special friend who'll stand the "threats"

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