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Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

I'm a 14 year old girl and I love to write. That's how I express my feelings and my pain ...this is how I feel and I guess you can say, I'm just starting to put my poems out...

This is the first poem I wrote. It's about having to hide who you are because of what others may think.

Holding Inside

It's so hard to express who you are inside;
It's so hard to let everyone know what you're all about.

Where ever you go they stare and they point,
But you really don't know why.

Everyone says do not judge others
By what they look like or from where they come.

Unless you know, truly know, them,
Don't make it seem
Like you know their deepest feelings
Or the fears they hold inside.

They say don't judge, yet we all know
What they're thinking as we walk by.

It's sad and unfair that you have to hide
And be judged by those who you don't know.

How long can you fear?
How long can you wait?
Till they see you for who you are....
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© 1999 Angell Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

2 Visitor Comments

hey. i love this poem! This really describes how i feel, esp when ppl judge you from afar based on how you look. they dunno the real story behind ya.
Hey! ur peom really rocks! its awesome. i totally understand what ur talkin about. i hate it when people judge everyone. on their race, clothes, music they listen to, bisexuality, EVERYTHING! its messed up

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