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Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

Everybody makes a difference in this world, everybody somehow makes a difference on somebody else. I feel that this is a poem for you, because you could have made a difference to me.

You could have been the best friend to the parents of the friend of my teacher in school, who all learned the same important lesson from each other. This lesson could have been then passed on to me.

I am 13, and I am only in Middle School, so maybe you will still affect me in the future... but today I have a poem for you.

Although I Never Knew You

You made such a difference
Everything you did.
You might see it as nothing,
Perhaps it could be everything.

In some way, shape, or form
you have touched me in my heart.
Maybe I saw your happiness
while passing on the street;
I could be thinking
I want happiness just like yours.
And from you I learn how to be happy.

You teach me so much,
Even though I may never hear
a word from your mouth.
I understand you are special,
and you now make me better with your
life-long lessons
that you never meant to teach me.
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© 1999 Evalyn Rose Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

3 Visitor Comments

that poem really is nice. i loved it i might use it in my class when we read other peoples poems.
This is a really great pome in it's own way. It's hard to understand but yet it touches u in a way to
This is really nice. It is obvious that the girl is in middle school. The writing is a little scratchy, but I think it is lovely.

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