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About the Poem

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with bi-polarism. This poem was written about the feelings of this disorder, as well as the craving of being loved and supported throughout the hard times. Fortunately, I'm married to a wonderful, supporting young man now, but for those of you who can relate to feelings of solitude . . . this poem if from me to you!

My Own Bed Of Roses

To lie in a bed of roses,
To feel the silkiness against my skin,
The fragrance
How it comforts me,
Though feeling so alone,
Once again.
There was a time
When skies weren't cloudy,
And it seldom ever rained,
But as the clouds begin to rumble,
Once again there's so much pain.
So I'll lie in my bed of roses,
And wait till the storm subsides,
And use the petals from my bed,
To wipe away the tears I've cried.
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© 1999 Leigh Anne Dawson Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

14 Visitor Comments

I feel that this is a very touching poem. I can relate to it alot. Keep up the good work.
i really like this poem because it's short and it's very touching at the same time.
hey i really liked your poem! i have a really sad, sweet one that made me have the goose bumps! if any one would like to hear it e - mail me back on here and i will tell you it :( it was really sweet i wanted to cry! xxxxxx
I just liked the poem because it was writen with emoticon
I really like this poem. It makes me think of my daddy which is dead. Please keep on wring these poems.
very good poem
wow!this poem really inspired me ,my life was so difficult and in some ways it still is ,at least a poem like yours can really give me some comfort!
I was looking for a poem to send to a friend who was feeling down. This one was short and beautiful and hopeful without being sentimental. lovely.
I think it's a very beautiful poem which can be brought to life by having some soft music at the background.. Cheers to the poet who wrote this piece of beauty.
Your poem means more to me then you will ever know. Today i had gotten the news that i was going to have to have surgery and i was very much afraid. Once i came home i read your poem and i am no longer afraid any more and i thank you for making me feel like i am not alone. I love this poem and i love how it was able to touch me in such away that it could forever change my life.
I really liked your poem
I thought that, that poem was really touching. And i really enjoyed it!!!!
my friend sent this to me, and i loved it. short but sweet, and easy to relate to.
Hi Leigh Anne, Very nice poem. I too am bi-polar and at times it would take a lot of rose petals to even begin to dry my tears. Keep writing!

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