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About the Poem

First let me say that I am not a frequent poem writer, but with all the pain and violence (domestic especially) going on these days, I searched my notebook of miscellaneous "stuff" thinking it would be a great idea to share with others a bit of my past. You might say it's a poem of abuse, and let me add that I still say; "I would rather be hit because a bruise disappears, but the emotional, verbal, and psychological abuse stays with you forever!"

I wrote this approximately 5 years ago, after a year long relationship that was based on lies and deception and a little illusion. And before that, I was involved for 3 years in a relationship of abusive hell. This poem was written when I couldn't take anymore.

On a happier note, I am now living in paradise, and found a love most only dream about!

Big Mistake

Of all the mistakes I've ever made,
falling in love with you, makes the grade.
Months of fighting for what I thought was mine.
When you could really care less,
and hurting me was just fine.

When reality hit, and the tears finally fell.
You Shrugged your shoulders,
hung up, and said "Oh well! "
You might have won this battle
of breaking my heart.
But your day will come
when all you have is lost, and fallen apart.

Though I'm not the type to cheer pain on,
When it comes your way.
I'll be the first to say,
"He got what he deserves, the low- life con!"

Well good- bye for now is the last I'll say.
And I can't wait for your sad, hurtful, and lonely day!
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© 1999 Klynn Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

45 Visitor Comments

I really enjoyed that poem. Being of the same situation. My ex was abusive in every way and did the same to our children and despite my attempts to press charges, he is free. Love it.
i like this n i want to dedicate this to all boys that broken my heart
I just got out of a long distance relationship myself. One week he said he loved me and wanted to marry me, then two weeks later, he doesn't want that anymore. It still hurts but I'm becoming stronger. This poem has a lot of truth to what I just went through and I just wanted to say thank you and the poem was really great.
THis is a really good poem. I loved it. It's the kind of poem you could read over and over and never get tierd of it. Keep it up!
Well it wasa a wondeful poem!
Omg i really love this poem! i know where you are coming from with this! i just got out of a relshonship like this! you did really great work! KEEP IT UP!
You went really deep in expressing how your previous boyfriend treated you. It sounded sad to hear that he didn't care when you were in pain but I'm glad you're okay now. I'm happy you finally found a person that treats you better. Surely it's not easy to forget broken relationships and how love can be painful but with the aid of time, everything can change.
Charley Jo
I can really relate to this poem. This poem is great!
I really liked your poem!
this poem describes me complety very gud
Put it down as i wrote it i would hate to see this get taken off. people need to read this. its very true. and i love this poem. this one describes my life better than i could even.
because i went through something similar
This poem spoke to me. I may be a guy and your poem is about some guy that hurt you, but I can relate by changing the he to a she. Hey guys, feel just as much as girls do, but anyways I enjoyed reading your poem.
well am overwelmed by this poem. am so proud of the author, its like he/she was reading my mind to know wats going on. to me you write this poem just for me and it reminds me of a similar situation that i was in when i found out that i was pregnant. thanks for letting me know that i'm not a lone.
this poem rock aye
my eyes are still sore frm cryin, i wish i could submit my poem. was in an out of abusive relationship for 26 yrs chucked him out 2 mths ago.
that poem is so much like my ex its unbelieveable omgosh
This was a great poem but it also happens to guys too.
I loved it
i know how you felt
This was a good poem! I can really relate to it!
I love this poem.
The poem describes just how i feel. I LOVE IT!
how did u come up wit this poem. well anyways it was reely touchy and i jus got out of a relationship like dat. well hope u email me.
I really liked this poem. My mom was in along relationship and the man beat her all the time. It has been two years since and I am proud to say that my mom has made it without depending on a man! From, Destiny
Really Liked your poem, it hit base. ASHAMED to say it's my reality today.
that is a very good poem but to bad i aint at the stage yet, im getting there but its very hard to get out of it. maybe should keep this poem and read it evrytime sumthing bad happenes and hopefully ill be come free and happy again
I have a friend who went through some of the same stuff.
hot chick
that poems so cool im gonna send it to my x boyfriend cause he needs to understand
I can really relate to your poem I liked it a lot!
I really liked this poem because it decribed everything that was going on between me and my x that know has me carrying his child he lift when he found out and we also fought alot to I am 18 years old and a single mother to be I want thank you for you've been the wind beanth my wings
i like the poem alot! i have like this happenin to me except it's a gurl. she used to be my friend but suddenly she don't care and treat no so well. the poem expressed wuh she did (in my case) and what will happen to her later on.
hott as hell
this poem was really kool! it rhymed alot!
I really liked this poem A LOT, especially that i can relate to it. i know what that poem means, i know what the "author"'s going through, even tho' this happened like 5 years ago, still. love is short and forgetting is longer. Thank you very much!
I have never seen a poem that describes so well how I felt. This poem tolaly cheered me up.
I thought your poem was so wonderful. i think it is an eye opener and motivational for girls to know they are doing the right thing by staying out of abusive relationships. good job!
This is very good poem. It remindes me of me.
i really like this poem because i've been through the same situation and the boy that i thought i loved turned out to be a heartbreaker.
I read your poem, and it reminds me of a friend of mine, who went throught something like that, with me. Though I never did anything like that, and she is over-reacting, it helped me look at how she might look at me now.
this is so so touching because a boy how i thought i liked played with my heart saying thay he liked me,but at the end he told me it was just a joke.
I loved this peom. It's sad because I went through an abusive relationship also. Physically, mentally, emotionally, everything you name it he done it. It is sad to tell someone how you really feel about a situation like these. I was in it for 17 years. I've finally gotten out of the relationship about 2 years ago. Thanx for this peom, it says it all.
I really really liked this deep but yet so true.I'm sorry this happend to you :)
this poem is actaully something that my sister needs to send to her ex. i'm not saying that guys are dogs because i have a sweet heart. i guess i'm just lucky.

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