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Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

It saddens me, that every day, children around the world suffer abuse from drunken parents, and at Christmas, a special time for children, parents use it as an excuse to get smashed and then take it out on their children.

This poem was written especially for the children.

Unhappy Christmas

What did you get for Christmas?
Was it something nice?
I'm sitting here in Casualty,
My face is packed with ice.

I dread it every Christmas,
They never give me toys,
Daddy will get drunk again,
His nights out with the boys.

I know he doesn't mean it,
He's far to drunk to know,
He hits me hard for nothing,
And bruises always show.

A Christmas to remember,
The policemen had to call,
They took my Dad away this time,
He said I'd had a fall.

He's really done it this time,
An ambulance had to come,
That's why I'm sitting here in Casualty,
Waiting with me Mum.
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© 1999 Steve Woodman Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

52 Visitor Comments

IF you that problem. Im in the same boat. Its good.
Wow! This poem is really heart it just shows you what some children go through with druken parents. As im a child myself its good to take a momment to look what is happening in the world to your peers.
Your Poem is tuching on a level in which saddness eminates from it.
This Poem Have Touched Me. It Is A Very Sad Poem, But Beautifull Too, Full Marks For This, Its Amazing, Very Nicee But Also Very Sad X
this is a really good poem. it's very touching but it really happens to some people.
I am 45 yrs old and I was that child not only christmas but any birthdays or the start of the school holidays. any excuse for a drink and months in advance. "we have to celebrate". I don't drink at all.
I can relate because my father was abusive as well but, WOW! what a touching poem!
This poem was amazingly touching. It was good too. I really liked it. It was really sad. keep up the good peoms
really touching poem ,,,
it is a very touching poem. it made me feel for the poet.
it is sad but a good poem
i think this poem makes people stop and think what really goes on in the word and makes it real and i think thats what we need to get across to people that this does really happen to children and its not something hat can be ignored!
well reading your poem really helped me. but it brang back so many memoeies. im so happy you got out befor you really got hert. i think ill do the same.
i liked this poem a lot. it was very sad . but i still like it
i really like this poem becouse it is a bout something that i know alot a bout but it was not my dad that hits me it ues to be one of my exboyfriends.
terribly sad, yet a true part of life for some unfortunate children.
this was very good it touched me
i don't know if you wrote this cause it was like that for you or cause you know someone, but i lived through this every christmas from 4yrs to 13yrs when my dad killed himself so i know exactly the pain and suffering you/they went through. Remember that eventually, someone, somewhere will make your christmas special. You just have to wait. x
it was very touching. i have never been in this position and hope to never be. this person is filled with courage and i wish them well
I really love this poem. I have been physically and mentally abused
hey,I really liked ur poem,better christmas this year
this was very sad but extremely touching and is a real eye opener because i had a brother like that
this poem mean something 2 me because that what had happen 2 me but it was worst people will always look at me like i was a kid from the street. well i like this poem.
that was a toaching poem it doesnt matter if it was an accident or if they were drunk there was no resaon i lived in a famiy were my dad used to hit my stepmom and hit beat her up 8 times and then she finally called the cops and me and all my sisters and brothers were tooken away from them and now we still are today in socil services i hate the fact that they can jus come in ur lives and take u out of ur family but if they didnt my dad might hav really hurt her worse than a concussion this time well i think that poem was awesome and toaching! rock on
the poem really touched me. Alot of people actually have the same feeling or life. The peom was great
baby thug
That was a great poem. I have read and wrote alot of great poems, but out of all the ones I've read that one was the best. Somw people have it easy, but people like you and me have to stuggle through life, but no matter what always remember there much better in store for you. And again I loved your poem, it reminds me how my dad is till this day
This is heart-wrenching. I know it may be cliché to quote last lines, hehe, but those two last lines are magic. Makes me want to hug that poor kid
This poem is very sad and some children have to grow up living in families like that. I think that is really sad that people could go out and have children then come home and abuse them for no reason.
That was really a VERYYY great poem. It was amazing.
After i've read yer poem A lot of feelings came over me. I felt sorry for you and sad too, So i think about you the next christmas that comes. take care
this is a very sad but true i think that you should keep writing like this to let everyone know how really evil the word is!
I hope u got a better chistmas this year. I feel so sorry for u.
this poem reaches out to people on a personal level. It says its for kids, but i asure you it reaches out to many more people. I feel the structure of this poem in a way is somehow based on personal experience, i'de be curious to find out, but i know when i write i write from personal experiences too. Over all a great poem, and an outstanding author.
hey at least not every christmas is the same. your poem really touched me my dad used to hit like that except he left which made it worse than being taken away i suppose. in other words i understand where the poem is coming from good work! hope they keep coming
I read your poem and I nearly dies because it was so sad and I was sad when I read it and then I read it and I got sadder because it was such a sad poem with a sad title and a message about a father and he hit his son and that made me all crying and stuff and my dad doesn't hit me but if the did it would be sad because that's not what people should do especially around christmas oh my god it's just so heartbreaking
Hey man this poem was good . keep going. I had a little bud that sometimes got hit. That guy aint around no more though.
Steve, what an inspiration your poem is to those who do not realize the reality in this sad world. Keep writing in a positive and inspirational way!
hey man sorry about that i hope this christmas is better for you
sad, but true.
Enjoyed Steve's poem. I just wonder if he is drawing on personal experiences or if it is pure imagination. I am sure it goes on. Well done.
the poem was great
This is a poem showing injustice in the world, and how cruel human being can get...
this poem is so sad. i think that you really got the truth of what it's like for those kids into that poem. just once more: IT'S GREAT!
Wonderful! Excellent! I wish I were that father in the poem. Oh, baby. Beat him with a stick!
Hey, Steve your poem is really really sweet and sad. I was reading it and i send it to my friend Lacy she love it too. She said it was really sad! All my friend loves your poems they all are really good. Even Bryan my boyfriend he hate poems he said that are for girly girls like me and all my friends but when he was reading your poem he was crying.!
A touching poem by a thoughtful author.
Your Poem is the Best! It's very sad and i cry but i remeber when i dad hit me and my two little sister! Thanks so much you help me in away i can not show!

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