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Poems by Maria Byrne

The following index of poems includes all of those submitted by the author and subsequently published on the main site. The date the poem was submitted (not necessary published) is also included with each entry. If the author has published poems under more than one category, their poems are grouped by category.

Love Poems

  • 1999-02-02
    Even when we know we're loved, a little reassurance never hurts.
  • 1999-01-24
    Change is almost always difficult, and sometimes even when we seek it -- still we fear it.
  • 1999-01-12
    Does Love flow and follow the seasons, ever-changing, ever unpredictable and new? How could it not?
  • 1998-12-07
    Sometimes the most beautiful poems of love come out of a First Love - as it's ending.

Love Poems - Cyber Romance Poems

  • 1999-03-17
    One of the very first poets at Passions discovers the Internet is more than just a place to post poetry.

Sad Poems - Depression and Suicide Poems

  • 1998-12-07
    Few things in this world, or perhaps any, are sadder than feelings of loneliness and the depression it brings. And, too often, those feelings lead to thoughts of ending those feelingsā€¦

Sad Poems - Sad Love Poems

  • 1999-02-11
    For some, both Love and sunshine bring the same euphoria. Unfortunately, for some, that isn't their only similarity.
  • 1999-01-12
    When love is gone, and heartbreak dimmed, we still have our memories.

Friendship Poems

  • 1999-01-25
    Friendship and Love are very close cousins, with some great similarities. And, too, some great differences.

Poetry Buffet - Poems on Nature and Beauty

  • 1999-03-04
    For a poet, the setting sun can be a metaphor for many things. But, sometimes, the setting sun is nothing more than a very beautiful experience to enjoy.

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