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About the Poem

Once a child has died, a mother is left with an empty longing for that child, for the rest of her life. I wrote this one night, during the last Christmas holidays, though my daughter has been gone for years. My memories of her are as clear as color video clips, complete with sound.

The Children's Christmas

The children's Christmas is simple and bright
They sing the music, they laugh in the light,
Sparkling colors are a magical spell,
Their instant joy flows bubbling and well.

But round that tree I see a space,
Beside the table an empty place,
A voice is missing, a form of grace,
The sweetness of a little lost face.

A vacuum was left by the child who's gone;
Though all seems right, yet it's terribly wrong.
I'd give up my Christmas, and gaiety fine,
To clasp that small hand again in mine.
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© 1999 Rosemary J. Gwaltney Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

21 Visitor Comments

I losted my son December 21 004 . This poem touched my heart . You never get over the death of a child ,you just get threw the day's and night's ,the missing ,the pain ,wanting to see there face ,hear there voice ,anything . Christmas will never be the same . I buried my son Christmas eve . He was 36 and has 2 children ,He was working overtime driving a tanker truck and it went off a bridge into water. The pain never stop's .
Hello, I don't know how old your poem is, but it's a beautiful poem. My cousins just lost the father almost a year ago, and this will be their first thanksgiving, christmas and new year without him. We all loved him dearly, and we all miss him. I can now say I know what you are going through. I do believe every year will be hard no matter how long they have be gone. May God Bless You everyday and on these Holidays!
A very beautiful poem,I too loss my daughter in an accident 4 years ago nov 10 2002 it's a day i will never forget,the pain is so very real to this day. The words very true in this poem . it helped me a great deal. God bless all the angel moms out there. i to would love to hold my 13 year old daughter's hand. Our favorite saying was GOOD NITE I LOVE YOU . I LOVE YOU GOOD NITE. I miss hearing her say that back to me . I LOVE YOU DENIKA.
it made me sad. i loved it.
Wow! That was a really touching peom. I am only in grade 6 but even i could feel all the different emotions off that poem! It must be horrible to lose someone you love so dearly.
I just went through my 1st christmas without my son and i know the feelings.
my son died on November 11th 2004 and the 1st x-mas i wanted to kill my self i wanted him with me i know it was silly to think like that but it was all new to me still to this day i feel tha same pain but getting a bit easier but at the same time gets harder x-mas 2005 was horrible for me wishing my son had been here beside me :( i cried to the peom all 3 times i read it
Your poem touched me so. I lost my daughter a month after Christmas at the age of four. I would give anything to hold her hand again.
I really got touched by this poem not only could you imagine what was trying to be expressed but you could feel it, I have to vote this one my favorite.
I like the poem a lot. My cousin just died a few days ago. She was the only daughter that my aunt had and sadly she decided to leave before Christmas. Now I know what Christmas must be like for my Aunt. I love them both so much.
love the poem, wish their were more as great as this one :)
that poem was really touching
a lovely poem that touched me deeply as i too have lost my child.
i just had a miscarriage and it's so hard to lose something so precious even if i never had it.
In three days it will be the 1 year aniversary of the death of my 16 yr old son in an auto accident. He was that special kind of teenager that didn't mind showing he loved his mom even in front of his friends. I came across this site and read through all the poems but nothing hit me like this one, I had a very difficult time this past Christmas season, nothing seems right anymore. Your poem is beautiful and comes from a place of pain that I am familiar with. Thank you for sharing it.
the pain never goes away we only learn to live with it the wanting and yearning to hear and hold them again even if only for a min. i lost josh 3yr ago june 14 2000 and my heart and soul will always remember him
I like it
It will be the 5th Christmas with our precious Lora, who should turn 23 in early December. Your poem, dear friend, hits right where I live, 24/7. Thank you.
oh god, you say its been years and you still feel this pain,i dont know if i can make it as long my son daniel died a little over a year ago, christmas is comming, all i have are tears, but your poem is wonderful but so true. god bless
i lost my 16 yr. old daughter in an auto accident. her birthday is dec.24. this poem hits home. very touching.

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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