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About the Poem

This poem was written for my best friend, whom has given me a great deal of support and love. Her friendship has helped me in so many ways, saving me from despair, and lifting my spirits.

Angel In Disguise

You're my angel in disguise
You read my soul with your eyes
Your spirit has entered my heart
And it's my hope we never part
For you are so special to me,
Without you, my heart would weep bitterly.

You're my angel in disguise
Your love comforts my cries
At night you guide me through the strife
And it is for that, my dear angel,
I owe you my life.
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© 1999 Jcp Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

60 Visitor Comments

anyone who says its bad, is pretty bogus. i think this is a nice poem i understand it.
did you love her more than a friend. and never shared it?
this poem touched me because my best friend Brittany Sullivan is moveing to Florda at the end of the year it makes me think of the good times i had with her and how much i'll miss her!
your poem so rocks bye bye
omg i loved it soooo much it really touches ma heart i felt lyke cryin when first read it its so beatiful! ya gurl kookie
i love this poem not only 4 a friend but also 4 u'r love one. keep it up!
Thank you for writing such a beautiful poem.
I loved this poem because it had a deep meaning. I loved it.
great job
i just think the way the author said it, was in a very beautiful way and all he or she says is true, there are friend in our lives that save us and bring us back from our saddest and worst moments and those people in every way are truly angels to us. i love his words and the way it just seems smooth, this may sound stupid but its best way i can explain things
i luvd it rite on man! luv ya BOB
hi i am suren i am not tat clever in poem o things like tat but i can tell u tis poem is lovely one of the best i have ever read it touches my heart
I really liked this poem. I was starting a bad divorce and a long lost friend who I always thought about re-entered my life and he became my besfriend and my angel who saved me and was there for me.
vivilou angelica
I just like it 'cause it's true!
Just to let u know tht this poem is fantastic it really did touch my heart!
I love the poem, it's short and sweet. I liked it very much, I feel the same way with my friends
I really like this poem because it is exactly how I think of my friends.
This poem was one that really touched me, it explored the feeling of friend and worded then in a way only a truely loving person could.
this poem was awesome and it really touched me. you are a very good poet believe me i should know i mean i have been writing poetry since 5th grade and now i'm graduating high school.
I thought the poem was very beatiful. It made me feel very good inside when i read it and i thought when my friend read it and told me she said it made her feel good and though of her a the angel. I also thought myself as the angel as i red the poem and i bet a lot of other girls did too. this poem is very moving and is great.
I loved this poem i know what u mean when you are tlkin bout all of this and i like this one a lot
Well this is a really pretty poem. A boy sent it to me awhile ago and claimed he wrote it. I thought it was by him, but he lied! He was a liar! Hide this poetry from him.
This Poem really touched me as i was in the same situation, then my Angel in disguise came and saved me, this poem has really touched me and should be a reminder to those who have read it that she/he is the hero/savior and they should never forget
this poem is so good!
i love this poem it is so cool thank u 4 putting it on the net so i can read it
I love these kinds of poems, it's very nice for people to actually have the courage to put there FANTASTIC poems on a website that can be seen world wide.
im looking for the guy who wrote this poem. if by some chance you read this email me. you wrote this poem for me and we lost contact when you moved i loved this poem it was the first one anyone ever wrote for me
This poem is awesome! I have a really good friend that has helped me through a rough time and it's perfect!
this poem really got to me i believe that i have friends just like this person does and it a heart felt one
This poem really discribs how i feel about my best friend. How much she means to me. She really is an angel to me and ive sent it to her as soon as i read it.
this was a awsome poem
this is a very beutiful poem, and the author that wrote it must have a very special friend. may God Bless you.
I really love this poem. I also have an angel like that. And his my bestfriend/lover.
the words expresses more than one can say. very simple yet very beautiful.
i love this poem because it relates to the same thing that happen to me and my best friend
I loved how the author used "You're my angel in disguise" as a disguise for the friend and always knowing that the friendship is much more then to say Hi or how are you doing but a friendship that will lst a lifetime.
this poem really touched me i have a angel just like that
A very realistic poem. It reminds me so much of someone I love dearly.
I think that this is the best poem that I've read!. In a scoring batween 1-10 I would give it 10
This is such a cute poem!its exactly how i feel bout my friends there my Angels!
it was great
it is a very great poem and it means alot to someone who is in need of a friend that loves and trusts them.
Touched my heart
That was a wonderful poem, I loved it
This poem is so great! I sent it to my best friend coz she's leaving my school just to tell her how much she means to me! I absolutely loved it!
i thought it waz SO pretty!
it brings alot into perspective, its a fantastick poem and iam doind a project and this is one of the points iam trying to make to people that love is put into so many different things and this poem has the potental for a great poem good work on this
i love this poem. it so discribes my friend she is my gurdian angel in disguise. and this poem is her
I really like this poem I made a copy and send it to my boyfriend in jail. Thanks
I really liked this poem. I have always believed in angel and I do believe that they come to us sometimes in disguise to offer us help or advice when we need it, whether we are asking for it or not. So always be look for your angel.
This poem is very beautiful! It really brings out what a true friendship should be to everyone. JCP you have done a wonderful justice to friendship thank you
This is a very beautiful poem,and i think the person who wrote it has a very warm heart!thankyou
You speak from within the soul!
hey i loved that poem keep up the good work
You maneged to sum up exactly what my true but distant friend means to me, in a manner that so accurately describes her nature. Great
Great poem but I didn't understand it! JUst kidding its excellent
This touched my hear and said for me what I wanted to say.
After reading this poem, I bursted out into tears. The words you used and just the way you used them sunk in my heart. This poem is completely spoken for. I have never been so out spoken in my time of enjoying other's poetry and writing it as well. Job well done!
good one.

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