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About the Poem

Like most of the poetry I write, this poem was inspired by an event that happened in my life. I was so leery about beginning a new relationship with a man, and I told him that I felt like I was standing on the edge of a mountain, and I was so afraid of Jumping and falling and getting hurt. He said these exact words to me. "who says you're going to fall? When WE jump, we're going to fly" This is what inspired me to write Standing on the Edge. It's so true about love.....If you don't jump, you won't fall, but you will also never be able to fly.

Standing On The Edge

Standing on the Edge
I'm standing on the edge,
of a mountaintop
So close to the edge
so near to the drop.

Frozen air ices my lungs
I have climbed up a ladder
that has no rungs.

Filled with fear and fright
I am paralyzed.
Like a deer in the light
I am hypnotized

Upon my neck I feel his breath
It feels not with the heat of life
but with the coldness of death

He wraps me within his arms
He's such a happy optimist
I can feel his smile and his charms
But I'm the leery pessimist.

Trust me my darling, he smiles and smirks,
Take my hand, I won't let you fall
I used to love his zany quirks,
but at the moment, I do not love them at all.

Let's get down from here, I say.
I like my feet when they are on the ground.
But he shakes his head, and laughs at my way,
And I can't help but to look all the way down.

Even if it is by your side, I say
I don't want to die.
Who say's we're going to fall my love,
When we Jump, we're going to fly.

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1 Visitor Comments

I truly enjoyed this poem. Keep during your thing!

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