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About the Poem

After recently meeting a new friend, and seemingly more, I sat down, as I always do, and let my heart do all the talking. When I heard the words in my head, I wrote them, and found that I had a wonderful array of feelings and emotions. This poem is about our first meeting, and the need for us to keep close to each other, to communicate, and depend on each other. I believe that it is a poem, about the feeling you get, when you hold the one you love...and fall asleep next to them.

Gathering Our Love Tonight

Gather your arms around me, baby.
You won't have to feel lonely tonight.
I'll make you calm; dissolve all your maybe's.
You'll find you and me, us, is so right.
Gather your love to share with me, baby.
I know that things sometimes seem sad,
So when we're apart and in need of each other,
We'll look back on this night that we had.

Open your eyes and look at me, baby.
I'll show you in mine how I feel.
Then close up your eyes once again and lay back,
As we start to make both our dreams real.
Float in your dreams as I watch you sleep, baby,
As I push back the sleep, as I fight,
And with that I draw close, and I sleep holding you -
Gather 'round as I love you tonight.
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© 1999 Christopher Gratias Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

3 Visitor Comments

I also(like Erin)am not big on rhyme...but this poem is the exception...reminds me very much of "that place"....the place I'm magically taken too every time I lie in his arms with my eyes closed...
A wonderful man I met 4 weeks ago, sent me this lovely poem and I just wanted to let you know that it seems as if you wrote it for us. Thank-you You've made 2 people happier. I give this poem the highest mark I can.
Ussually, I'm not much for ryme, by I liked this one alot. But it struck me that it sounded like song lyrics. Have you ever thought of writing music to it, or finding somone who can? It would make a terrific song.

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