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About the Poem

For this story was not about the two lover's who got back together, it is about standing up for yourself. Never going back to that pain......

Feel My Pain

This is a story about those who
have been hurt by the one's they love;
the crying, pain and suffering
in your heart. The night's when
you cry yourself to sleep.
When you can only turn to
yourself for help, but even then,
you are still only left in your pain.

I find myself walking along the edge.
Cold air rushes pass my face.
Below, I hear the roaring of
the rushing water under me.
It start's to bring back the memories.
The memories of her.
The rush I got from hearing her talk,
When she whispered my name.
With one single look,
she made my body melt.
She had my soul. She had my heart.
She was my keeper, but she tore me apart.

My foot slips, I hear the rock's
splash into the river below.
I am awaken from my dream state.
I find myself all alone,
but still in my pain.

I look at the night sky.
The moon so full. I look at
the star's; billions and billions
of stars in the night sky.
Can they feel my pain?
I want to be a star, I want to fall.
Fall forever. Let the river
below catch my body,
take me away from this pain.

The wind blows. Screaming
through out the tree's.
Whispering to me all of it's sad sorrow's.
Telling me all of the silent
cries from all of the broken
heart's, all of those star's.
All the one's who are trapped in their pain.

A light shines from the forest.
The crackle of wood is heard from behind.
I turn around, but still on the edge.
' Is that you Jon.'
she says in a desperate voice.
I look into her face, I see her pain.
but it is to late. I am too close to the edge,
too far to come back.
' Jon, what are you doing?' she says.
'Dancing, walking the wire,
making my closure.' I say.
I look at the water.
Emotions rush through
out my body, my pain comes upon me,
I start to cry. The reflection of
the moon light gleams upon my face.
As the tear's come pour down.

She walks closer. I step back further.
' Come on Jon, you are being ridiculous,
come, let's go and talk about this.'
she says. ' You don't love me,
why did you hurt me?' I say.
' I didn't mean to.' she says.
' Take my hand, come with me.
I will help you.' she says.
She stretches her hand out.
It felt like she was reaching
across eternity, to bring me
back from the depth's of hell.
I turn to her, I see her tears,
I see her pain. I start to
reach out for her hand, but I stop,
and look at her face.
' Now you can feel my pain.....'
I turn and jump off the edge,
into the darkness, away from my pain....."
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10 Visitor Comments

I love this poem
Wonderful, the stars illuminate a great picture. The sense of solitude and distress is beautiful and touches thoughts to where I can fully relate. Wonderful.
it rocks
this poem is very good. the reason i like it so much is because i'm in an the pain i feel the way the poem expresses his feelings. except they will not come for me they will not reach out for me because they won't be there
Well written, been that close to the edge myself. I just take one day at a time. Never want to get close to that edge again.
This poem really touched me. it's exactly what i felt when i loved someone so badly and he didn't love me and played around. this happened a few months ago and i'm still suffering. sometimes people just don't realize how much they hurt you. it's sad.
It really makes you stop and think about the way you treat people, and the effect that your words and actions can have on people. Imagine the pain you would feel if you were the cause of a persons death. VERY well written.
The poem was very deep. I enjoyed it very much because I have been throught that pain but luckily I did make it through ok. But I give that poem a 10!
i don't know why but i really liked this poem it was really good
Everyone who has been hurt by someone will understand...........

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