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About the Poem

I had a lot of emotional problems when I was a teen, around the time I was 14 or 15. I had tried suicide. I was afraid and confused.

Then, I learned that my sister was pregnant. I knew this was my way out. My whole life changed within a matter of minutes. This is what "A New Beginning" is about. That first time I saw my niece.

She changed my life. Even though at that time she didn't know me. she gave me a second chance to live again. I love her with all my heart. I can't help but cry every time I read this poem. I feel a strong love for Mikayla. For giving me something she still doesn't know about - a new beginning at life.

This poem is forever dedicated to my niece, Mikayla.

A New Beginning

I lived day by day,
Telling myself things will get better.

My life I tried to end,
'cause life to me seemed hopeless.

A new beginning you gave me,
A second chance at life.

Dead ends kept following me,
No matter how hard I tried.

Every time I tried to die
That unborn picture came to mind.

Seeing you suck your tiny thumb,
Seeing you yawn in my sister's womb,
Made me realize I need to live.

I cried in fear, "What should I do?"
That picture came to mind,
That picture of you.

A new beginning you gave to me,
Now you are here.

You let me taste the life,
The life I tried so hard to end.

Now I share my breath with you,
And hold dear to the memories we've shared,
And will continue sharing in the times ahead.

I thank you now for giving me
A new beginning - a better life.
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© 1999 Ericka Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

41 Visitor Comments

I love it. it reminds me of my son, nevaeh (thats heaven spelled backwards).
this is all about me thanks. -antae
I Love This Poem I am a BIG FAN of your poem. I have been truly touched by it. Thank You for Keep'n It Real
I loved this poem I went through the same thing about 2 years ago. I love my niece so much she means everything to me.
Man, this was a really good poem. It touched me like no other poem every has before. It really fit for what i was feeling and i just could not get out the words. It made me remember the life that my child gave me and it was sweet. I thought i failed but when i saw her i new my life was wroth living. thank you so much for sharing this poem with us.
i love this peom because i went through the same thing u did bout 4 yrs ago i love my niece to death because i kept thinking she will need me to help her with stuff and she does now yet she doesnt under stand that though so we are living proof that we can make it with just a push with love! well bye
I under stand your poem very well becuz I have a niece and she means every thing to me, this poem made me think about her
This poem is very touching. I am glad that GOD provided you with a new beginning. GOD works in mysterious ways and I thank GOD for your neice, who has somehow gave you a new start and outlook on life. Always GOD provides, He sent a little gift from heaven to remind you of how sweet life is. GOD bless.
i really liked your poem a lot. it touched me to. i have never had the trobles you did, but i could just amagine. god bless you, and your neice! =)
Hi. I thought the poem was great and the best thing was i could really relate to the poem. i thought the choice of words were great. well done. I give the poem a 9 out of 10. Matthew Moss. Age 15
Your poem touched me in a way I really cant express there are just no words to express the way I feel about your poem you have done a wonderful job and promise to keep up the good work
this poem really touched me and i congratulation on who wrote this they should be proud of this piece of art
baby girl
i tried to overdose several times~then i found out my sister waz pregnant (when i waz 11, im 14 now) when my neice waz born i knew i wanted 2 see her grow up, since than i have tried to commit suscide a couple more times but i see her face in my head and cant go through with it, i made a promise to myself and her that i would see her grow up. i will always be there for her, even when the world seems to be aginst her, she will probally never remember that promise but i sure will and i will never 4get a 2 year old saved my life more than once.
When I was 15 my brother passed away it was 2 days after his 21st birthday. He left us boys. One of his boys wasnt here yet so he never got too meet his daddy, and the other one was 1 year old. Neither one of them will really have any concept of what he was like. After this I lived day by day depressed. I wanted to kill myself but I never got up actually enough courage to even try. This lasted for over a year, and then I realized I had to live. My nephews need me, and I have to remind them how great their daddy was. My nephews are now 2 and 3. So, cherish it. !
I straightened up after my niece was born and to see some1 has been through this has touched me. I think your poem is great.
i dont know what to say i have never been in that position but when i read the poem something overwhelmed me. it is an excellent poem!
I love your poem. I'm fourteen and it reminded me of when I wanted to die. When I found out I was pregnant, the baby gave me a reason to live, even after her birth. I had someone who would love me no matter what my past was. Jordan really gave me a new life. Your poem shows exactly how I feel. Thank you!
i really loved this poem it made me think of my baby that i couldnt have and now the one im going to have and at first was scared of. your poem is GREAT!
This is a great poem. I wouldn't change anything about it. I'm glad that your niece was born and saved you from hurting yourself and it was nice how your put your feelings for her into a poem. Keep writing your great at it! ~ Lin ~
This poem was very touching to me. My niece is so near and dear to me and my heart, now she is feeling down and out doing time in jail for driving without a license. She is devistated being seperated from her two boys. I was looking for a poem that would tell her how much she means to me as well as how much she is needed not only for myself but her children. My niece and I have been through very hard hurtful times yet we still stayed strong for each other. Reading poems such as this lets me know we are not alone in our down times. Keep the beautiful work going. Deepest Thanks.
I really loved your poem!Im a poet too and hope to be one when im an adult:)
OUtstanding poem that I could really relate to. I feel the same way about my niece.
Your poem really made me think. my sister has just had her 3rd child and i remember the day she gave birth to the first i was in hopistal because of a drug over dose and wanted to die. your poem made me think when i first saw my nephew and held him that the reason i wanted to live was for him.
well i liked your poem i liked it even more because it had my daughters name in it but i spell it Makayla
Wonderful poem. Thanks for writing it.
I have a new niece well shes 2 almost 3, her name is emily, i felt as you did and tried to take my life serveral times, altough im still depressed and still try to take my life sumtimes, i never can because every time i try i see her in my mind smiling at me, and i realize i have a reason to live, and she gives me the hope that without her i otherwise would have lost
I just want to let you know that your poem really inspired me. I couldn't stand my life, but then my brothers girlfriend was pregnant and I came to the conclusion I was going to be an aunt for the first time. I would be called Aunt Trista! I was never more happy in my life. I can completely understand your situation and I hope things for you only got better. God bless you and you neice !
I love the poem. It really relates to what I was going through. It's kind of scary because the same thing happen to me. My brother had a new baby daughter and she changed my life all around and now everything is cool in my life.
This is such a great poem. Ur niece is one lucky person to have u yo love her.
i like your poem . i had the exzact same thing happen to my . my cousin was pregnat then i thought i wanna see the baby grow up and share life with her. and i'm 14
That was very touching and I hope in will make other people think about what they want to do with themselves.
this is a very good poem is kinda what is hapening to me . now well any ways u r so great .
Very very good poem. I almost cryed! Very powerfull.
i loved it it was sooo sad but honest and it really made me think
I absolutely LOVE your poem its really sweet!
This poem put into words what I have felt. I'm just 16, but have unfortunately also felt the pains of not wanting to go on anymore. My older sister is 5 months pregnect. Maybe, if I'm lucky, my nephew's birth will dawn a "new beginning" for myself.
i like your poem!!!!
I was touched by this poem. May God continue to bless her through her neice.
Oh my god-thats sooooo good. I want to cry now... That was amazing
Even though I cna't relate to this poem by the baby thing. But Icna relate to it in other ways.
It tuches me a lot

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