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Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

Poems by Wolfgang

The following index of poems includes all of those submitted by the author and subsequently published on the main site. The date the poem was submitted (not necessary published) is also included with each entry. If the author has published poems under more than one category, their poems are grouped by category.

Love Poems

  • 1999-02-25
    This is a poem of love, separation, and magical messengers. It's a poem Poe would have loved. And I think you will, too…

Poems on Life

  • 1999-02-09
    Is this a poem about Life or one about Beauty? Maybe it's both - a Beautiful poem about Life, and the lessons we can learn from nature.
  • 1999-02-02
    Listen in, if you will, on a private conversation between a small, vulnerable child and a very wise poet. You just might learn something important.

Poetry Buffet - Poems on Nature and Beauty

  • 1999-01-27
    This powerfully evocative piece speaks of more than just beauty. It speaks of Life, and Love, and a Peace seldom found - and therein lies it's Beauty.

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Copyright 1998-2021 by Ron Carnell and Passions in Poetry.
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