Poetry Buffet

Not all poems fall into one of our existing sections, and some refuse to be categorized at all. So we invented a category that's not a category, a place where we can put just about anything we want.
So, grab a clean plate and get in line with all the other hungry visitors. We have a smorgasbord of delights we're sure you're going to appreciate.
And, by all means, feel free to return to the buffet for seconds! There's always room for poetry...
Poetry Buffet (1-50)
Home isn't always where we were born. Sometimes, it's a part of our heart.
Have you ever wondered if you were gone, what would be said about you?
Human existence is both dichotomy and paradox. And, perhaps, therein lies its power.
A poet reveals his romance with words, exploring the power they have to change our lives.
What is the best poem you have ever read?
Personification is a common poetic tool. Do you recognize the Ruler within this poem?
Poetic inspiration is found in a myriad of events and people. Even, it seems, in other poetry.
Shakespeare never wrote a soliloquy for Macbeth to speak immediately after killing Duncan. But that doesn't mean one doesn't exist.
We very often hear stories about men who use women and set them aside. But men aren't the only culprits.
Drive with care, someone else's life may depend upon it!
There is power in words, and beauty in the reflection of ourselves to be found in a midnight sky.
All living creatures have one thing in common - someday, we will no longer be living creatures.
Poetry Buffet Subcategories Menu
Words, gentle and soft, are not always as they seem. Read the poem first, then the author's description, to see of which I speak.
Fantasy is the fabric of the mind. And, perhaps, of life.
I dare you to recite this one ten time fast. Okay, how about once real slow?
There is a moment we all face each day, when the impossible can briefly become reality.
Do dream presage reality? Even the very strange ones?
Like a ribbon of black death, our roads wend through the habitats of animals the world over.
A symbolic look at the inner feeling of people
Everything that happens to us is ultimately the result of our own choices. Which rose would you choose?
Every poet is influenced by others, some much more so than most.
Reflections combine with repetition to describe beauty and enlightenment.
Things aren't always what they seem…
Can one year in the life of a writer be digested into so few words?
At times, the company we seek can best be found in poetry.
What do we want? Are we sure? What do we see? Is it there? What do we feel? Do we know? Only time and life will tell.
The poignant history of our great country comes to life through the words of this wonderful poet.
The arts are surely intertwined, and this poetic artist combines verbal skill with the visual talents of a painter.
We all search for meaning. And, often, for much more as well.
The days of large-scale nuclear testing are past. But the fears are remembered.
This art form (poetry) reflects the beauty of another art form…
Our view of Life is often a reflection of our pains, and always a mirror of our past.
The ultimate enigma in life - What does death really mean?
Imagine learning at some point in life that a parent who has raised us isn't our "biological" parent at all.
This poem, written by a ten-year old, expresses some very beautiful sentiments.
We sometimes neglect to consider that our clergy are human beings, and that they, too, experience all of the emotions and passions as do lay-people.
This poet is lost in reverie - and takes the reader along for the dream...
The dreaded alarm clock - Is there any more dreaded enemy for your morning?
There is a specialness than man (and woman) have always found in the simple act of fishing.
Live is composed of event after event, many seemingly disjointed and unrelated. But there is always a commonality, and sometimes it's a very surprising one.
Some things are more than they may seem.
This is one of the hard-to-classify poems that could go into almost any section. It's about love (unsuccessful, so sad), about life, and it sure has more than a share of humor. But it's mostly about a very important Truth.
Memories and fantasies can lead us into very strange, unexpected regions of our minds.
This is a very beautiful and moving poem about a unique place, in a unique time. And the memories evoked.
A tribute to a very special, very giving group of people.
Have you seen the movie "Titanic?" If you're willing to look, there are many stories of life and love to be found in the old and forgotten.
Metaphors often hold Truth, and that of course is their power. But, sometimes, the Truth is a particularly ironic one.
The poet is a very special person, as this wonderful tribute will amply show.
This poem poignantly describes the feeling of helplessness that overcomes us as we realize that disaster is imminent, and we can do absolutely nothing to prevent it...
Death - and the wonderment of what it might be like - is a thought that certainly crosses the mind of every living mortal…
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...
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