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Poems on Life page 4

Poems on Life (151-200)

  • by Jfreak
    Introspection can be a dangerous thing. And an equally rewarding thing, as this very profound poem shows.
  • by Tiggah
    This poem may well represent the best definition you'll ever find of Utopia.
  • by Sweetsteffanie
    This is a powerful picture of a Truth too many people - perhaps all people - face in this Life.
  • by Wolfgirl
    We all hide a piece of ourselves from the world. Some of us hide more than a small piece, and long for the day we can be set free.
  • by Vinny
    Helping others is important, especially when your help can save lives. But, sometimes, the greatest help is simply being there.
  • by Wendy Flora
    We all deal with anger in our lives. But do we really understand it?
  • by Tracey Stroud
    If you simply judge a book by its cover, you're going to miss an awful lot of good reading material.
  • by Krystin Bedard
    The grass always seems greener, and people can be fools in their quest for greener…
  • by Veronica Ann Cech
    We should all have a dream…
  • by Eyebrite
    Many of us write during the saddest of our times. It can surely be a mood lifter to put our feelings on paper and give our emotions some perspective.
  • by Tara
    When you see a stranger who needs help, what do you do? Do you step forth and offer your assistance... or do you ignore them and continue on your own way?
  • by Andrew MacDonald
    Love and wisdom seem to defy the possibility of coexisting within the same realm. This poet, though, seems to have quite a head start on making them synonymous..

Poems on Life Subcategories Menu

  • by Josephina
    This beautifully written poem explore Life, Death, learning through adversity - and, most of all, the power of Hope.
  • by Pauline Hamblin
    We can see people through many different ways. A devoted Nurse explores one of those…
  • by Gracie
    In the end, our entire Life is predicated on what we believe. And why…
  • by Ted Mayfield
    There are many questions to Life. And perhaps, in the end, only one real answer with meaning.
  • by Mars
    Life isn't always easy. This poem explores the acceptance of the trials, along with the rewards they can bring.
  • by Wes Mitchell
    During the infamous Sixties, "finding yourself" became almost a cliché. But trying to determine your own identity has never been reserved to a single decade or time.
  • by Dash_doll
    There are many contrasts in Life. This very beautiful poem is a study in differences. And, too, in similarities.
  • by Leslie Rentas
    People change. And sometimes the changes are so abrupt and far-reaching, we must redefine who we think we are…
  • by Deric
    Some people believe that everything in Life happens for a reason. Even pain…
  • by Leslie Rentas
    Letting go of the past isn't always easy.
  • by Ingrid Y
    We both impact, and are impacted by, many different things in Life.
  • by Pauline Hamblin
    This lovely poem explores a very important Truth about the duality of Life. A coin has two sides, and without both sides, there could be no coin.
  • by Robert James
    We, as human beings, are capable of anything - if only we are willing to reach for it.
  • by A. Mother
    Add motherhood, middle age, and just a hint of depression - and the result can be a very beautiful and moving poem.
  • by Pauline Hamblin
    When our bodies turn against us, we discover that a crippling illness is a part of Life very difficult to understand.
  • by Angell
    Being different can be very painful. And the sad part is, it doesn't have to be that way.
  • by Sharad
    There comes a time to look back and reflect. And, perhaps, to change.
  • by Marge Tindal
    What once seemed trivial can gain immense importance as the years slip by.
  • by Nancy Ness
    This is a very beautiful poem about a unique time in a person's life. A time when responsibility to family has been met and your greatest responsibility is to only to yourself.
  • by Roche
    This deeply insightful poem explores a very common malady we all face at one time or another. Some, perhaps, more than others.
  • by Lin Yong-ching
    Many children become attached to security blankets. This lovely poem explores the very real possibility that we never quite outgrow that need.
  • by Chuck Pool
    Life is so full of lessons but one people never seem to learn is about self-acceptance.
  • by Amis Lee
    This is a short but very beautiful poem about an important Truth - in our quest for some things, they can all too easily be destroyed.
  • by Tina K
    A cliché often has Truth hidden within, but it's not always the Truth you would see on the surface.
  • by Camry Alexis
    We should all have a Life Philosophy, something that guides us in our decisions. This is one…
  • by Brian Quinn
    People are not bound together in Life by diamonds or jewels, by jobs or circumstance, not even by love and pleasure. They are bound by the only thing they ever have they can freely give..
  • by Bonnie Butler
    If Life were a jigsaw puzzle, could you put it together? What if some of the pieces were missing?
  • by Starr Harmony
    This is a poem about Love, but it's even more about Life. Read between the lines and discover a Truth - your identity needs to be shaped by more than the person you love.
  • by Jefferey Knodel
    You've probably heard baseball stories before. But not quite like this…
  • by Burton Keeble
    The title says it all, but the poem says it so much better…
  • by Dee
    A person's face tell much about what they feel. Or does it?
  • by Jason Silverthorne
    There are many religions, many faiths, but this poem suggests they all have one thing in common.
  • by Lovely
    This is a beautifully descriptive poem about a very beautiful thought…
  • by Chandler
    You will never find the answers to Life until you first understand the questions. The clever, well crafted poem is a good place to start.
  • by Lovely
    Marriages end, people move on, and single mothers learn to begin anew. But seldom has it ever been described quite this way.
  • by Jordan Buller
    When the Truth comes knocking, will you have the courage to answer the door?
  • by Rick Thompson
    Love need not be romantic love to change a Life.
  • by Rosemary J. Gwaltney
    The beautiful poem defies categorization. It's about love and sorrow, about wisdom and maturity - but mostly it's about Life.
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...

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