Love Poems page 8
Love Poems (351-400)
If Love could reach out and touch you, what would it feel like?
Sometimes, in a relationship, two people develop special phrases that mean more than the simple words they use. Sometimes, a great deal more.
Does a relationship need commitment? Or can it be experienced day-to-day, without promises for tomorrow?
First impressions always count, even in Love.
Unrequited Love, hidden Love -- but it never stops still being Love.
This poem uses a haunting metaphor to explore the bindings that can be placed upon us by Love.
Psychologists can rattle off a score of common phobias, all with incomprehensible names. Do they have a name for fear of Love?
Just when you started to think you would never love again, the realization you were wrong can be enchanting.
When Love is strong enough, when Love is right, another person can become a part of your soul.
This moving and beautiful poem speaks of Love, written by a poet that has obviously spent much time thinking of unique and wonderful way to speak of it.
Distance is no barrier to love. But it sure makes dreams more important.
If there were a facial expression associated with Love, it would have to center around the eyes…
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A chance meeting can have unexpected consequences.
Love can give us a new vision, a new way of seeing.
Distance can form boundaries between two people, but love knows not of these boundaries.
Love can have its ups and downs, but even those are easier when in flight.
This is a beautifully written poem about what one person can do to another's emotions.
When apart from those we love, we must cling to the hope and dream that the separation will soon end.
Love is a risk. Ah, but the rewards can indeed be great…
Committed to one, loving another.
This poem is about the beginnings of a magical, new love.
If love were a dream, who the dreamer and who the dreamed?
It's not always easy being in love. But sometimes we choose to accept those difficulties as part of love.
Life is one choice after another, and no one get can go back in time to change one. But if you could?
A delightfully detailed account of what one poet sought - and found.
Marriage vows are more than simple words, more than just a promise to be kept.
Love, like most things, has two sides…
Sometimes the greatest challenge to love is a ghost from the past.
What does love have to offer? This delightful poem offers maybe one or two answers…
Love is something to be cherished, not simply as a whole, but moment by moment.
With a deft and clever twist, this poem describes Love in all its many manifestations.
"When you find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." But sometimes, you have to wait…
One of our favorite poets proves once again that a poem doesn't have to be long to be filled with profound and beautiful Truths.
Is love an emotion? Or is it, as this poem suggests, something more?
The beautiful poem, from a talented and wise writer, explores a Truth too often forgotten - Love is much more than a physical attraction.
Separation is never easy. But Love gives us reason to hope.
Can a Love poem make you cry and still be a Love poem? Normally, I'd say no. But this beautiful poem is both an exception and exceptional.
A very talented poet explores an old cliché from a new vantage point - Does love at first sight need time to grow?
You can never go home again - unless perhaps you cleverly redefine the meaning of the word home…
They are the most powerful words in any language. And sometimes, their very power and magic make us afraid to voice them.
If you could have a single wish, what would it be?
If you're going to make wishes, there's no point in making small ones.
Forty years of love and marriage gives a person a certain perspective on love and life. It also, it would seem, makes priorities a little clearer.
This is a delightful poem about life, friendship, love, and beauty. And perhaps of what we can learn from the world in which we live.
Sometimes the greatest expression of love, and the greatest declaration of love, is nothing more than a hug.
Absence doesn't just make the heart grow fonder. It also produced beautiful poetry.
How do you recognize love when it comes?
This poem explores a marriage that has withstood the test of time and proven that love really can last - forever.
When it seems as if there are no words, these words should bring you close.
The beginning of love are a tumultuous time, a time of insecurities and passions. And, too, it's a very wonderful time…
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...
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