Love Poems page 5
Love Poems (201-250)
Whether you're holding your breath or waiting for a special day - Time is a very relative thing. Especially when you're in love.
Sometimes love is like the life of a butterfly - short-lived and intense, but very beautiful.
Two people, one sleeping, one not, one dreaming, the other fantasizing…
Distance is the bane of love. And the two, perhaps, are the mother of longing.
Emotions can be very confusing - especially love. Sometimes we continue to stay in situations that we simply cannot understand.
Sometimes, the need to say "I love you" becomes so intense we simply have to find a way…
Love, like the flower, requires care and time to grow.
This poem is a message from a husband to a wife. It's also an apology. And a promise.
The seasons change and, sometimes, so do hearts. But if you carry this metaphor a little further, you'll realize -- seasons always come again.
The beauty of a sunset can inspire thoughts of love, of beauty, of magical fantasies - and delightful poetry, too.
Two people in love. One must leave on a protracted journey. And all the questions begin…
Love is an emotion, right? But sometimes, it's simply a sensation…
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There are few things that can so completely, utterly change your life in a single heartbeat - but Love can.
We all deserve to be loved. And, whether we admit it or not, we all want it, too.
We often want to give more than we're able. And maybe it's the "want" that is all that's really important.
If we can but remember, then Love will never be far away.
Old love, new love, the symbol of the rose - all bound by the words of a helpful poet.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder - and builds dreams of when it is no longer necessary.
Take equal measures of magic and beauty, mix well, and you have a perfect recipe for Love.
Does love ever really go away? Or does it just hide for a time, waiting for but an opportunity to make itself known again?
When we are very, very lucky we experience special days - with a special someone - that can last a lifetime.
We should all take a lesson from this poet... Remember... to say "I love you"...
You know when you are in love because you love every little thing about your partner.
Any one who has ever been in love knows the experience: Of making love, without ever touching.
Looking for the perfect gift?
We should all believe in miracles, and have the courage and strength to ask for ours.
This poet has found the "love" of her life; and she was wise enough to embrace it and hold on to it when she saw it...
Remembering the beginnings is often a good way to appreciate the now…
Sharing our feelings with each other can sometimes be difficult, but it's a very important part of a successful relationship.
Love is very POWERFUL, it makes us feel, hear, and see things through our hearts and through our faith.
Imagine being in love - and standing on the beach - alone with that one special person - looking out at the sea together...
To be afraid to love is a travesty. We must allow ourselves to feel it when it's there for us, as difficult as it might be...
This poem describes the author's attempt to avoid a new relationship. In the end, he learned - as we all do - that he was powerless over love...
Passion is an intense emotion that has the same effect upon us whether our loved one is near or far...
There's nothing like the excitement of a new relationship to inspire a poet to write exceptional poetry about love.
We oftentimes don't truly appreciate how precious love it until it's lost to us. But maybe that makes it even more special when it comes back.
Most of us dream of the past. Some few have the courage to dream of a future.
When problems arise and doubts surface, the only possible solution is to talk about it.
Often we find ourselves thinking we are in love, but when we say those words it can tear our lives apart. Then we find "The Real Thing".
To be visited by an angel is an experience to remember for a lifetime.
It's been said we don't know what we have until we lose it. But sometimes, we don't know what we were missing until we find it.
The day we get married is perhaps the most special and memorable day of our lives.
It's amazing what emotions one picture of the face you love will bring to the surface.
It's true - time and love have little acknowledgment of each other.
Beauty and wisdom don't always come from experience. Sometimes, they are the result of deep-felt fantasy.
Imagine for a moment the world's most perfect love. Now - would that perfect person be able to love imperfect you?
The heart is where feelings begin. But, it shouldn't be where they end.
When we can't be with the one we love, we have to settle for dreams. And the hope those dreams will one day come true.
When life and love are perfect, it's only human to want it to last.
Look in your thesaurus for the word Love - and you just might find the word "acceptance."
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...
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