Love Poems page 6
Love Poems (251-300)
This is a lovely poem about simple - but very beautiful - wishes.
We live in the digital age, and there are now many forms of communication. But none will ever rival that of being face-to-face.
Searching for the perfect love potion? Maybe it's just a little thing called absence.
Can you set a price on the cost of romance?
Nature can provide the requisite backdrop for a prodigious dusk, and the dawn of a new drama in one's life.
For one in love, there is nothing that can't be accomplished. Except, maybe, the only thing that matters.
Marriage and family need not be the end of romance. Sometimes, it's only the beginning.
We have a section in the Poetry Buffet for humor. But as funny and cute as this poem is, it still hold a grim Truth about Love.
There are times when words don't mean exactly what they say. Times, in fact, when they mean very much the opposite of what they say.
There are ways to say I love you that have nothing to do with words.
Love is a joining. In many, many ways…
When words are all that remain between two people, they have to be very special ones.
Love Poems Subcategories Menu
Is a love too good to be true?
Love is beautiful, even when it's stubborn. Maybe especially when it's stubborn.
There are many, many ways to say I love you…
There are many styles of poetry, old and new. But while words change over time, Love does not.
Could heaven still be heaven - without love?
Love can be very simple. And still be very beautiful.
Does the perfect love really exist? Or is it only a dream?
Nothing is more satisfying than realizing you hold the key to another's heart.
The people we love change us. Forever. Even when they leave, the changes remain. And so, too, do the memories.
Beauty isn't always in the eyes of the beholder. Sometimes, it's in the eyes of the beheld.
There are many faces to Love, many ways to its beauty.
Love has a way of turning even a rainy day into a day filled with sunshine and rainbows.
Love rarely follows rules, especially when those rules have been set by the analytical, play-it-safe mind.
Dreams and Love have a lot in common. They are both a focus for our deepest wishes…
Love At First Sight can sometimes become Bewilderment At First Sight.
It's important to know what you're looking for in that special someone - else how will you know when you find it?
Random thoughts about love are rarely random. And sometimes, very beautiful.
Simple things can often lead to happiness. And to good poetry.
Love takes many guises - all with a beauty of their own.
A husband is not a single role, but many…
They say there's someone out there, somewhere, for everyone. Kind of makes you wonder…
Sometimes, just being together can be the greatest gift of all.
There is no such thing as "too much love." But, when people are separated by distant miles, there sure can be too little.
Do you have a "special phrase," shared only with a special someone you love? Sometimes, it can have more meaning than you might think.
This lovely poem explores a very simple, eloquent Truth - making Love last takes work, but that doesn't mean it should be a struggle.
Powerful emotions can be difficult to describe - even for a poet.
This poem is very short, very beautiful - and very, very True.
Sometimes, fairly tales really do come true…
Love is sometimes "all in the timing." Two people must want and need the same things in life, at the same time, to be together.
Love is GRAND! This poet is enjoying it to its fullest... because life is too short to do anything but!!
We all fantasize about love and that "someone" special. Sometimes fantasies really do come true...
A Dream... is a Fantasy... is a Desire... is a Reality... or are they all really one and the same??
Love. How do we describe it in words? Perhaps we can't. Perhaps we just need to feel it…
Sometimes it seems that being apart from someone we dearly love makes us appreciate them more than ever...
We don't always know just what we need, but if we're lucky, we recognize it when it magically appears.
Wouldn't life be simpler if we could predict that special time when "the right one" comes along? When we're already involved, however, it certainly can get complicated…
Maybe the best description of Love is a journey - from Nothing to Everything, in the beat of a heart.
When Life gets in the way of Love, and we're separated from that special someone, we have to find a way to maintain our courage and strength.
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...
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