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Love Poems page 11

Love Poems (501-550)

  • by }X{Angel}X{
    The ocean has a lot in common with Love, and this talented poet evokes haunting imagery to show us why.
  • by Marcela
    If vivid, unique imagery is a source of power in poetry, then this poem of Love Found might well be used to light whole cities. Or, at least, a heart or two.
  • by Nancy Ness
    On first read, this beautifully crafted poem is about Trust. But read more closely, for as with many things in art, there are deeper levels awaiting after the first.
  • by Poet deVine
    Only an artist like our PoetDeVine could take a tired cliché, Love at first sight, and turn it into a sensual poetic delight.
  • by Jason Silverthorne
    If you'd like to tell someone they're beautiful, you'll find no more inspiring words than these.
  • by Rosemary J. Gwaltney
    Finding someone to love can be the most exciting time in a person's life. But re-finding someone, when you thought them lost, can be even more so.
  • by Zarre
    Is there any greater fear than telling someone new that you've fallen in love with them?
  • by Jason Silverthorne
    Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. But seldom has it been said quite as beautifully as this.
  • by Beth Hammontree
    Take away the three most important words in any language, and what is left. Maybe quite a bit…
  • by Artemis
    Falling in love with an ideal stranger is neither difficult nor unusual.
  • by Poet deVine
    This lovely and insightful poems on Trust was written as a Special Request from one of our visitors.
  • by Chris Schultz
    The lovely poem is about the way that finding the right person can not only change our life, but can even change who we are.

Love Poems Subcategories Menu

  • by Carrie Abbott
    We often talk about what we know and what we want, but sometimes admitting what we don't know can communicate far more.
  • by Michael Anderson
    Every person and every love is unique, and there can never be a single poem that expresses all that can be said for each of us. But this one comes very, very close…
  • by Erin Elizabeth
    Love is often about being different. And loving those differences deeply.
  • by Chantale
    Only a poem could so effectively describe what that "special" someone means…
  • by Nancy Ness
    To love one another from afar is to engrave each other's essence within our hearts.
  • by Sofea
    One poet takes the time - and words - to say Thank You.
  • by Malcolm Coleman
    "Did I do something wrong?" How many times have each of asked, or wanted to ask, that bewildered question? How many times has our only answer been terrible silence?
  • by Maria Byrne
    Change is almost always difficult, and sometimes even when we seek it -- still we fear it.
  • by Malcolm Coleman
    When two people are separated by vast distances, sometimes the only thing they have left are their dreams.
  • by Malcolm Coleman
    Why? is a question frequently asked by little children and young lovers.
  • by Wendy Croft
    Sometimes the very structure of a poem can be its real message…
  • by Malcolm Coleman
    Asking to be trusted is as fruitless as asking to be loved. What do you do when the one you love doesn't trust?
  • by Wendy Croft
    In Love, as in all things, timing is paramount. This is a story about bad timing…
  • by Lex
    In which we "sing" (quite literally) of memories of love.
  • by Lex
    The road to Love is curved, bumpy, and filled with unexpected barriers. This song of Love speaks of a few…
  • by Agnes Nogal
    The right love carries with it many surprises…
  • by Mrs. Poetry
    Take a trip into a person's heart, where sincere words struggle to emerge.
  • by Agnes Nogal
    There are many kinds of love. But there is only one kind of forever.
  • by LaTiefa Alston
    This is a touching poem of a romance that could not survive the "forever" of fairy tales, but nonetheless refuses to die.
  • by Mia
    What would the Perfect Love be like?
  • by Rosemary J. Gwaltney
    Too few people write of the tender beginnings of a long love affair. Is it because not many begun in childhood, last? Well, here's one that did!
  • by Jeremy Redinger
    When words otherwise fail us, sometimes the simplest thing to do is say, "I love you."
  • by Rosemary J. Gwaltney
    To marry someone with whom you share a common passion, must be one of life's greatest treasures. I was blessed with such a gift.
  • by Brier
    There are some people we love and can never forget. Even if, perhaps, we should…
  • by Michael Anderson
    This isn't really a love poem. Or is it? Love, after all, can mean different things to different, uh, people…
  • by Angel Towe
    A Love Poem doesn't always need to be somber and serious. Sometimes, cute and serious work just as well.
  • by Angel Towe
    Love is all about giving, and this poem expresses that in a very simple, compelling way.
  • by Michael Anderson
    A young adolescent approaches a girl he barely knows. And the words he finds, to express hidden feelings, brings sweet rewards.
  • by Jessica
    Can a color really describe, so beautifully, how someone feels when they are with the one they love? You be the judge.
  • by Maria Byrne
    Does Love flow and follow the seasons, ever-changing, ever unpredictable and new? How could it not?
  • by Michael Hopkins
    If absence makes the heart grow fonder, it can also play very strange tricks on the mind.
  • by The Unknown Poet
    When you love someone dearly, you want to be with them. Sometimes, you can't.
  • by Michael Anderson
    This is one of those rare poems that crosses boundaries. It's a love poem, about love, with some deep insights into love. But it's also a sad poem, because as too often happens, those insights came too late.
  • by Jennifer Wooters
    A confused love is the worst of all loves.
  • by Jeremy Redinger
    Falling in love, especially when you're young and shy, can bring unexpected fears.
  • by Stanley Naber
    Is love like a red, red rose (as some famous poets contend)? Maybe. Maybe not…
  • by Dane Ryan
    This poem talks about my wife and how we met.
  • by Wanda Holloway
    Is this poem a fantasy? Or is it, instead, an evil desire each of us harbors from time to time?
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...

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