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Love Poems page 10

Love Poems (451-500)

  • by Julie Jordan Scott
    You can wrap it in ribbon or gild it in gold, but in the end there is really only one gift you can give to another.
  • by Ted Reynolds
    When you miss someone, you want them to know…
  • by Malcolm Coleman
    We all have insecurities, and only time and faithful love and completely erase them. But sometimes, in the beginning, a few words can help…
  • by Julie Jordan Scott
    Love is more than an emotion. It is an obsession, a compulsion, a force that can rule our very lives.
  • by Julie Jordan Scott
    When circumstances separate us from the one we love, life continues. But this delightful poem shows it doesn't always continue in a vacuum…
  • by Jessica
    Sages proclaim that Opposites attract, but they never quite get around to telling us why…
  • by Kevin Rose
    The obstacles of love are many, as are the frustrations of facing those obstacles. This poem is about one such obstacle, but it's also about something else: Determination.
  • by Lauriel Mariondatter
    This is a very beautiful and moving poem about a very simple act of love. Read this, and a kiss will never be the same for you…
  • by Teacake
    Love isn't always easy to find…
  • by Abu ben Basho
    Another's eyes can sometimes be a reflection of our own world. Especially when that other is someone we secretly, hesitantly love.
  • by Carrie Sue
    There are many reasons to love. But, in the end, they all boil down to just one reason…
  • by Jagman
    The moon has long been associated with love, though this poem gives a different twist to that lovely metaphor.

Love Poems Subcategories Menu

  • by Sidney Frances
    The next time you walk through a beautiful garden, and perhaps feel inclined to pluck a bloom, I suspect you'll think of this poem and smile…
  • by Janis Jensen
    The pain of a broken heart leaves scars, which can all too easily become locked doors, shutting us off from the world around us. Until we find someone with the right key…
  • by Edilberto González-Trejos
    Being in love can be wonderful, but the uncertainty of an unspoken love can also be very frightening.
  • by Katy
    This short poems speaks of the warmth found within human relationship.
  • by James Buscemi
    This is a beautifully haunting poem of a love lost, never forgotten, and found anew.
  • by Peta Wood
    When someone special leaves our life, for a long enough time, we usually manage to get over our feelings for them. But what happens when they unexpectedly return?
  • by Mindy Caldwell
    Love isn't always certain. This very lovely poem explores a love that is still searching for a destination, perhaps one not easily found.
  • by Pastel Cowgirl
    Explore, with this talented writer, the meaning of a very simple - and ultimately complex - word.
  • by Lisa Teller
    Love crosses many boundaries. Could one them even be Time?
  • by Brandon J Rodriguez
    A First Kiss in a relationship is a very special thing. Even if it's still only a fantasy…
  • by Amber Ross
    This very short, four-line verse, uses some very unusual metaphors to describe love.
  • by Tina Versetto
    This poem is a very simple, but extremely elegant and flowing declaration of Love.
  • by Jennifer Boyd
    This is a truly delightful poem about being so in love, any absence becomes unbearable.
  • by Linda Christensen
    This lovely poem explores a rather remarkable and insightful link between two of Life's greatest treasures.
  • by Jason Love
    Life can sometimes be defined by Love, making the present a joy and the future an anticipation.
  • by Taylor Hamilton
    Love can not only change our life, but it can even change the very way we look at Life.
  • by Jessica Stamps
    There are many ways to look at two people in love. This poem presents a beautifully different view…
  • by Little One
    We see with our eyes, but a poet in Love can also see through the eyes. And, yes, there is a difference.
  • by Diane Blue
    The author suggested putting this in the Sad category, and she was probably right. But it was such a beautiful, well-crafted interpretation of Love, I had to include it here instead.
  • by Chris Jourdan
    This poem is a simple declaration of love, made beautiful by its sincerity.
  • by Starr Summers
    Is this the best poem in the Universe? Well, one man thought so…
  • by Orpheus
    This poems explores an interesting question: if soul mates are eternal, what happens during those lifetimes they spend apart?
  • by Jason Silverthorne
    If you listen closely to the rhythm of this poem, you might recognize it - as the living syncopation of unchecked passion.
  • by Poet deVine
    Truth is more than just a matter of vision. It encompasses all the senses. And, sometimes, more than mere senses.
  • by Malcolm Coleman
    When we're in Love, the whole world can become a mirror, reflecting our immense joy.
  • by Christa Prinz
    A shooting star lasts but a heart beat in time. Can the wishes it bring fare better?
  • by T.J.H.
    When Love is new and fresh, just the sight of that special person can make us act, well, just a little crazy.
  • by Rosemary J. Gwaltney
    Few things in life can be as intense as Love. And few things can sometimes be as frightening.
  • by Angel
    A metaphor, that unspoken comparison, can be a powerful poetic tool. As this poem so aptly demonstrates.
  • by Matt Campbell
    This whimsical fantasy of future Love reveals a hidden part of each of us.
  • by Jason Silverthorne
    With the company of the right person, a simple evening can turn into a very magical event.
  • by Pastel Cowgirl
    Fear and Love walk hand-in-hand, ever teetering in a precarious balance. The inevitable Fear leads to hard questions and choices. And it's up to us, as individuals, to find the answers in Love.
  • by Chris
    With appropriate apologies to William, this delightful poem takes an unusual look at the art form known as Love.
  • by Bobby A .Choudhury
    Being in love with the right person can sometimes translate to love for the whole world.
  • by Maria Byrne
    Even when we know we're loved, a little reassurance never hurts.
  • by Lex
    Relationships in life often seem to run in circles. Love. Pain. Love. Pain. And, for those who are lucky, a final concluding Love.
  • by Colin Ramage
    Hidden behind these words is a beautiful story of Love found. Sometimes, dreams really do come true…
  • by Wendy LaTulippe
    After reading this clever poem, I promise you will never, ever think of water in quite the same way.
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...

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